Mammoth squeezed my shoulder. “I’m happy for you, brother. Every single man here knows what this means to you.”

Fists pounded the table.

Hannibal winked in my direction. Asshole.

Rael made smoochy noises and I slugged him on the arm.

“First order of business,” Grim declared. “We got to bring the proposition to the table about Hope’s Refuge.”

Heads nodded as everyone focused on our pres.

“Mercy is the founder of Hope’s Refuge. A group of men who refer to themselves as ghosts and keep their identities a secret with members all over the U.S. They have code names like Avenger here.” Grim ticked his head in my direction. “Abused women and children receive help and are relocated from dangerous homes. Rape victims are usually taken to Lily’s Hope first in Pennsylvania. Domestic violence vics are transported from their home state to another part of the U.S. No single ghost knows the entire route. Mercy is the one who makes the connections.”

“How does that work?” Mammoth looked a little confused and I couldn’t blame him. It was a complicated set up.

“Papa?” Grim was letting me take over and I nodded.

“Mercy contacts us and we’re given the info to connect with the next ghost. We meet the ghost at the rendezvous point and use the code phrase Mercy gives us to identify one another and help the sparrow or lotus feel comfortable enough to trust us. Sparrows are DV vics and lotus are rape survivors.” I swallowed hard as I thought about Bess. “We’re either a point of contact and take them to the next ghost or we’re a contact as they settle in the area.” Blinking, I had a strange feeling in my gut.

Shit. Was Bess the sparrow that arrived in town a few months ago?

“Ghosts provide protection, shelter, basic needs like food and clothing. Whatever the sparrow or lotus needs to get started. It’s a financial obligation but there’s not a minimal requirement. You do as much as you can. We buy a lot of gift cards and have them on hand. Easy to pass on since there’s a Walmart in every town and Visa is accepted most everywhere.”

“How long do you stay in contact?” Exorcist tilted his head to the side. “I would want to know they’re safe.”

Grunts of agreement went around the room.

“We never make physical contact beyond the initial meet unless there’s a substantial reason like providing transportation. Would be easy for us here to donate used cars and fix them up since we’ve got our shop and Otis’s Junkyard. He owes a favor for helping his ass a few years back.”

Grim agreed.

“I hold onto the contact info for the lotus or sparrow for six months. Contact on days 1, 3, 7, 14, and months 1 through 6. After that, the numbers are deleted but the sparrow or lotus has an emergency number provided by Mercy. He has a separate phone that he knows only rings when something is up. We give that line once the six months is up. Not before. The sparrow or lotus knows they have help if they need it.”

“Damn. That’s fuckin’ brilliant,” Bodie blurted. “I want in on this.”

“Same,” Hannibal added.

Grim held up his hands. “Hold on. All of you need to understand we agree to help support and financially help out Hope’s Refuge. In exchange, the Royal Bastards MC Tonopah Chapter will be a co-owner. We’ll all be ghosts like Papa and points of contact. All those in favor, say aye.”

A chorus of “aye” was said around the room.

“All those opposed say no.”


“Good. The vote passes. We’re invested in Hope’s Refuge.”

Fists pounded the table a second time.

“I have one other idea,” I announced. “In the spring I suggest we do a fundraiser. A carwash with the ladies or some shit to bring in business. Mercy always needs supplies like blankets, coats, and basic necessities. When sparrows are rescued, they often have children and nothing with them but the clothes on their backs. There are some wealthy patrons who Mercy trusts to provide donations, but he always needs more.”

Grim nodded. “Agreed. I vote yes.”

All my brothers added their positive vote.

“I’d like to donate my resources to help forge new identities for women and children. I know that’s a need,” Xenon offered.

“Mercy will appreciate that.”