Epilogue One

“Almost done with thosedecorations?” Grim asked, walking into the common room. Next weekend, there was a Halloween party, and the prospects were put to work by the ol’ ladies to help get everything up on time.

“Not really.”

He laughed, shaking his head. “What Trish wants, Trish gets.”

“Can I ask you something, Mr. Lanford?”

He pulled out a smoke and then gestured for me to follow him to his office. Once we were inside, he shut the door and lit up, inhaling like he wouldn’t get another anytime soon. “Can’t smoke around Trish, so I’ve got to sneak these fuckers in when I can. What you need, prospect?”

“About those girls that were rescued the other night,” I began, “Any word on where they came from or any of their identities?”

“You want to know if they found Stefanie.”


“No, they didn’t.”

My shoulders slumped, and I sank into the chair in front of his desk.

“There were two vans. Twitchy was only able to save one. The other disappeared.”

Snapping my head up, I looked him dead in the eyes. “Was she in the other van?”

“I don’t know.”

“But it’s a possibility, right?”

“We found her body, remember?”

He didn’t want me to hope for something that could never be true. I understood, but I couldn’t let this drop. “I don’t believe she’s dead.”

“Shadow, we’ve discussed this numerous times.”

“I know, but I feel it, Grim,” I emphasized by punching at my chest, right over my heart. “I feel it right here, and I know she’s alive out there, waiting for me to find her, and I can’t give that up.”

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s just not possible, son.”

“Fine,” I replied with attitude, hopping up. “I understand.”

Grim lit up another cigarette. “If I thought she was alive, I’d do everything I could to help you.”

My shoulders dropped, and I hung my head. “I know.”

“Go take a break. You need to make your peace with this, Shadow. I know it’s tough, but it’s got to happen.”

“I’ll try.”

Outside in the hall, I shook my head, furious that no one ever wanted to believe me. I stomped outside and kicked around a few rocks, feeling lower than when I first learned of her death.

My cell pinged, and I glanced down, checking in case it was one of the club members, and they needed me. An unknown number flashed a new text, and I swiped across to read it.

“Stefanie is alive. Meet me at The Clown Motel in twenty minutes. Come alone.”

Shocked, I blinked and then hit a one-word reply, “okay.”

Grim was gonna be pissed when I wasn’t around, but there was no way I wasn’t going to this meeting. Hopping on my bike, I revved the engine and then zoomed through the gates as Toad opened them, feeling hopeful for the first time in months.

If my Stefanie were out there, I would find her. Not a damn soul in Nevada was gonna stop me.