“Maybe someday.”

“Stay safe.”

“Always do.”

Grim and Jigsaw had already gone back inside as I made my way to the graves. All three had been filled in and my Reaper smiled, pleased to see them all there in a row. The last one had a round metal tube sticking out of it. I’d purposely asked for the Jackal to leave it there. Unzipping my pants, I walked up to the tubing that extended a few feet above the ground.

“Hey, can you hear me?”

There was a muffled noise that I took for confirmation.

“Open wide.”

Not caring how sick this was, I urinated into the cylinder, leaving him with my piss as it ran downward and splashed onto his face. The hole in the casket was measured to leave enough room that I could complete this last act of revenge against Sid before he slowly suffocated to death.

No one messed with a Royal Bastard without paying the price.