“Well, which one is it?”

“Both,” he grumbled, sighing. “Look, I don’t know how to say all of this. I’m lost here.”

“About what?”

Wraith wasn’t making any sense.

“About who I am and,” he paused and stood awkwardly, “about who Zane is to me.”

“To you?” I asked, confused, rising to my feet with him. “I don’t understand. What are you saying?”

“It’s what I need to know.”

“Which is?” Irritated, I didn’t get why he was saying all of these things. “Who are you?”

“A man from your past.”

My blood ran cold at the phrase. My past? I would remember someone as gruff and wild as the biker in front of me. Was he one of the guys that attacked Jasper and me eighteen years ago?

Taking a step backward, I scrambled away from him as he advanced, backing me into the wall. “Don’t come any closer, or I’m going to scream.”

“Tawni Baker,” he sighed, “I know you better than you know yourself. Or I did that Halloween night when you gave me your virginity.”

My jaw dropped open, and I shook my head. “That’s not possible. This is a cruel joke. Jasper died seventeen years ago on Halloween night. I know because I was there!” I shouted, my chest heaving as I refused to believe that I had lived all these years without him for no reason.

“I’m alive,” he contradicted. “I’m Jasper Cornell. I made love to you in the back of my truck, and I was going to propose six weeks later when I had enough to buy your engagement ring.”

“No!” I shouted, covering my ears. “It’s not you!”

“It is, Tawni. I was buried alive, or I would have saved you from Sid and his gang.”

“No,” I whimpered, falling to my knees as my chest felt tight and stars danced in the peripheral of my vision. “Oh, God.”

“I can prove it to you,” he challenged, “Come with me.”