One Week Later
“Again,” Cyrus demanded, eyeing River’s form as he created a water whip and lashed it through the air. When we announced our intentions to train some of the fae in preparation for Elana’s return, several students—and professors—had jumped at the opportunity to learn.
Others had fled for their kingdoms, the Academy on a permanent break until the situation here could be sorted.
Apparently, finding out the lead Council member and Chancellor of the Academy was an evil bitch turned everything into a shitshow. Who knew?
But Cyrus and Exos were confident she’d be back. If anything, to retrieve Claire.
I wasn’t as certain because I didn’t understand Elana’s motives. Sure, she was an abomination. She hated the way people treated her and decided to bolster her power to seek revenge. Seemed a bit extreme to me, but then again, I’d never been on the receiving end of such cruelty.
Exos claimed it really messed with her mindset.
Cyrus said it might stem from a lack of Midnight Fae training, which led to her misguided use of her death magic.
My opinion? She was just a power-hungry bitch out to rule the fae.
Claire seemed to agree with me.
I struck my bo staff against hers, countering her attack and smiling as flames danced between us. “Now, now, Claire,” I taunted. “Don’t let those emotions rule your movements.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied, sending a liquid wave over my weapon and cooling my fire. She readied another fighting stance as the flames in her eyes glazed over with the azure glow of her water element. A breeze shifted between us, gathering moisture from the air to form a barrier that slithered across the ground. Her powers had definitely grown, but I noted the lack of control when it came to earth and fire.
That was her primary weakness.
And weaknesses weren’t acceptable when it came to a battle with Elana.
Claire’s elements naturally strengthened through her bonds with her mates. By engaging the final level with Exos, Cyrus, and Vox, she’d created a shift in her balance of power. It was almost lopsided in favor of her completed links. Meaning she needed more fire and earth to truly feel grounded.
Meanwhile, Elana drew energy from all of those around her, which meant that Claire had to be ready for anything.
And her current state suggested she wasn’t.
Which concerned me.
“Focus,” I said, vaulting over the floating stream to her side. I faked a blow to her head, forcing her to raise her weapon before I snatched my staff back and caught her in the ribs. She buckled at the impact, even though I’d held back. “You’re distracted.”
Her jaw ticked as a powerful gust shoved me off-balance. She launched at me, using her staff against my throat to pin me to the ground. “My mother is in a coma. Elana is off doing fuck knows what while we prepare for an attack we don’t even know is going to happen. We not actually sure if she really intends to come back or do something worse. Hell, we don’t even know what she’s truly capable of yet. So yeah, I think I have every right to be a little distracted.”
“Titus is right,” Cyrus interjected, approaching us and leaving River in charge of Water Fae training.
Claire frowned as she swung her leg over me and allowed me to stand. Cyrus offered an arm and I took it, grateful for the backup. It wasn’t often that we found ourselves on the same side.
The Water Prince gave me a knowing grin. I’d pleased him with our sparring session this morning. Whether I wanted to admit it or not, we worked well together and our opposing elements created a spark that I’d never felt with another male.
As much fun as it would be to practice more of my fire on Cyrus, Claire was the one holding back, and all of us knew why.
Cyrus was just the first to say it out loud.
“You need to complete your bonds to the elements, Claire. You’re clumsy when it comes to fire and earth. I paired you with Titus as a test, and it’s proven my theory correct. You’re having to rely on your other elements to fight him because they are easier to access.” He brushed a kiss across her cheek, proving his point when droplets swarmed around her in an effortless display of her gifts. “You need to complete your mating bonds, little queen. It’ll strengthen you.”
Claire’s expression showcased a mixture of emotions, her hand clenching around her staff. “It feels wrong to indulge in my bonds when so much is happening.”
She glanced at Mortus. He was supposed to be leading the other Fire Fae but instead lingered on the outskirts while the high-level students took turns building fireballs and launching them into the air. He still had that distant look of horror on his face, as if he couldn’t quite wrap his mind around the two decades he’d lost.