“That was never a question,” he replied, a small smile curving his beautiful lips. “How do you feel about the heir part of the conversation?”
The idea of giving Cyrus children made me feel all warm inside, but it did raise a pertinent question. “How will we know it’s yours?”
“We’ll know,” he murmured.
“How?” I pressed, actually curious now. And then a horrifying thought hit me. “Wait, should I be using protection?”
He chuckled. “No, little queen. We have it well handled on our side.”
“What does that even mean?”
Another chuckle as he shook his head. “Fae males control reproduction, at least for Elemental Fae. You won’t become pregnant until one of us decides it’s time, which, trust me, will be a group conversation.”
I blinked at him. “Male fae…” Yeah, I couldn’t finish that.
“We’re not human,” he added, drawing his finger over my pointy ear. “And neither, my darling, are you.”
Right. That part I accepted. “But you can control it?”
His lips curled again. “Yes, little queen. I can control quite a few things. Would you care for a demonstration?”
My eyes widened. “Now?”
He laughed outright. “I’m not going to impregnate you, but it’s good to know where you stand on the pregnancy discussion.”
“I mean, I’m not against it. But, uh, I don’t… I mean, it’s not time yet. Right? I’m only—”
His mouth silenced mine, his kiss a seductive caress that had me melting into him on instinct. Minutes passed. Maybe hours. I always lost time when Cyrus touched me, but somehow we remained clothed, our tongues doing all the talking while the soothing sound of waves rolled in the distance.
My Cyrus, I thought, adoring his touch.
My Claire, he returned, his palm flattening against my lower back. I love you.
I love you, too, I whispered, my arms winding around his neck. Whatever you need, I’m yours. And I meant it. If it was an heir he desired, I’d give it to him in time. If we needed to mist around the kingdoms to keep everyone happy, I’d do that as well. Whatever he required, I’d give him. Just as I knew he would do the same for me and the others.
My mate-circle.
My life.
My loves.
The Academy felt empty without Claire.
No, it felt wrong.
Mostly because she was about to undergo a dangerous journey without me. I trusted Exos and Cyrus to watch over her, but I hated that I couldn’t even help.
And worse, they’d left me to play babysitter to a cocky-ass Vox and a sulking Sol. The former was acting like a faeling who had just discovered his powers for the first time, while the latter wouldn’t stop muttering about “damn Spirit Fae.”
Why had it become my responsibility to keep this mate-circle together and happy?
Rubbing my temples, I grumbled, “Isn’t that Exos’s job?”
Vox paused his chopping of the ingredients in the kitchen—from his position on the couch—and sent a controlled gust to slice into the vegetables on the counter. He grinned, proud of his new trick, and focused on me while his meal essentially prepared itself through the use of air alone.
Hence, cocky-ass Air Fae.