What is it? I wondered. What am I not seeing?

The edges of the glass dimmed a fraction, flickering beneath the fluorescent lighting. I just couldn’t stop staring at myself and wondering what—

“You look gorgeous,” a warm voice murmured from behind me. A pink butterfly kissed my cheek following the words before settling on my pointed ear like an ornament.

I blinked at my reflection, everything suddenly right. “How strange, yet oddly beautiful.”

“You or the butterfly?” Exos mused, coming up to stand at my back. He wore one of his trademark suits, making our attire match for once. Except somehow he still wore the formal outfit better than I did. Benefits of being the king, I supposed.

“Everything,” I replied, shaking my head and shifting to face him. “Ignore me. I’ve felt a little off all day.”

He cupped my cheek and drew his thumb across my lip, his gaze thoughtful. “Off how?”

I knew that look. If I didn’t give him an answer, he’d press me for one. And we didn’t have time to play that game right now. Besides, Exos was my mate. He’d understand, or maybe even be able to put me at ease.

“I just feel like I’m missing something,” I admitted. “That’s weird, right? I can’t think of anything I might need tonight other than what I’m wearing.”

Exos’s sapphire irises smoldered as he reviewed my appearance, his full lips quirking at the corner. “Oh, I don’t know. Are you wearing panties?”

My cheeks heated. “Exos.”

“Are they blue like this dress?” he pressed, his hands finding my hips. “Shall I lift your skirt to see?”

I laughed and shook my head. “One-track mind.”

“Can you blame me, Claire?” He eyed my neckline. “You look amazing in this dress. It makes me want to attend the ball with you and the others, just to have a reason to stare at you all night.”

My heart skipped a beat, my tongue sneaking out to dampen my lips. “So I look okay?”

“More than okay, princess. You’re stunning.” He bent to brush his mouth over mine. “Vox and Sol are going to have a hard time not bringing you home early. I give them two hours max before they can’t take it anymore and need you naked between them.”

I shivered at the heat of his words and the picture they painted. “Would you join us?”

“If you wanted me there, yes.” Another kiss, this one longer, more sensual. “I would do anything for you, Claire.”

My blood warmed, lighting a flame deep within my soul that burned for Exos alone. My spirit mate. My king. My love. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close, not caring at all about my makeup. All that mattered was his tongue and the way it embraced my own.

I would do anything for you, too, I whispered to him.

I knew how he felt about sharing me. He’d commented once to Titus that he didn’t mind sharing in my pleasure, but watching me with another wasn’t an activity he particularly wanted to experience.

And yet, with Cyrus, he seemed rather open to it.

Maybe our bond had changed his view.

You changed my view, he corrected, his palm flattening against my lower back. Seeing you happy makes me happy. When you smile, I smile. He pulled back just enough to nuzzle his nose against mine. “I love you, Claire.”

“I love you, too,” I whispered, closing my eyes. Everything about the moment felt right again. This was what I was missing—my mates. Being apart from them left me feeling empty and alone. They were my life now, my circle, my completion. I sighed against Exos, resting my cheek on his chest as I hugged him hard. “Thank you.”

“For what??


“For helping me feel better.”

“Anytime.” He kissed the top of my head. “It’s been a whirlwind these last few months. Try to have some fun tonight. You’ve earned it.”

“I can’t believe I’m going to a ball,” I marveled, amused. “Of all the things to do. I seriously thought dances were over after high school.”