“How am I supposed to concentrate when so many are suffering?” she added quietly. “It seems selfish.”

“No, little queen. It’s practical.” Cyrus took Claire’s hand and placed it in mine. Flames linked our fingers together, our elements ready to take the next step. “Denying the bonds isn’t going to solve anything. It’ll only make matters worse.”

“He’s right,” I agreed. “You need our elements to bolster your own, and it’s not selfish to strengthen yourself, sweetheart. It’s a good way to prepare for the inevitable.”

“Assuming Elana even comes back here,” she muttered.

“If she doesn’t, then we’ll go after her. When we’re ready.” Cyrus lifted a brow. “And in your current state, you’re not ready.”

She blew out a breath, her irritation palpable. Then she glanced at me and her gaze softened. “This isn’t at all how I imagined mating you, Titus,” she admitted, her words tinged with regret. “You deserve better.” The way she said that implied she thought I only meant to do this because I had to, not because I wanted to.

“Claire,” I murmured, drawing her into my embrace. “We don’t have to be in a fancy room in the Fire Kingdom for me to declare my love for you.” I brushed my fingers over her shoulder, and her skin glowed red in response. “My fire has always belonged to you.”

To prove my point, I claimed her mouth and ran my tongue across hers, this time not holding back as I poured my element into her. She could handle the raw truth of the passion she brought out in me.

We were both ready for this step and had been ready

for a while now. There just hadn’t been the right moment. And maybe now still wasn’t perfect, but I didn’t care. I just wanted her. I always had, from the first time I’d laid eyes on her in that field.

My beautiful Claire.

She melted into my touch and kissed me in return. Flames licked at my hair as she nudged open that well in my soul where my fire burned. Claire stoked those flames unlike anything else I’d ever experienced, and I knew mating with her would decimate my world in all the right ways.

The ground trembled beneath our feet—courtesy of Sol. A subtle reminder that we were still in the training yard and had a very real audience.

Claire giggled as she pulled away and waved at her earth mate. A number of Earth Fae practiced building shields as trunks and branches shot from the ground, although they’d all stopped when Sol had formed a brutish wall of solid rock in demonstration. He grinned at Claire. “Titus isn’t the only one who has something to offer.”

Maybe, but tonight Claire was mine. I made sure of that as I stabbed my staff into the ground, allowing my fire to inch across the earth to melt Sol’s stone block. It’d worked well enough during our last encounter, where I’d temporarily trapped him during his little smash tantrum.

But the Earth Fae was ready for my trick this time.

Powerful roots wove across the ground, making a lattice against my molten attack. He grinned. “Nice try, Fire Fae.”

“Nice tactic,” I mused.

The surrounding Earth Fae seemed to agree as they mimicked the motion with their own magic, trying to accomplish a similar style of defense.

I grinned. Sol might not see himself as a royal among his people, but he was a leader where it mattered.

Claire smacked me in the ribs with her staff and grinned when I expelled a startled breath. “Now who’s distracted?”

I retaliated by sending a tuft of fire underneath her clothes that bit at her nipples. She squeaked and tried to soothe the burn with water, but I wasn’t going to allow her to cheat her way out of playing with my flames this time. I nodded to Cyrus and his eyes darkened. He was a source of power for Claire, but he could dampen that connection, even if it took some effort.

Claire’s mouth parted as I took advantage of the momentary lapse of her power. Her skin heated, and my inferno wrapped around her, forming an embrace on every sensual curve.

“No fair,” she breathed, her tone aroused and willing.

“I think you’re ready,” Cyrus murmured, approaching us. “As we don’t necessarily have a Fire Fae available to complete the vows, I suggest we use Exos as a stand-in. His royal title and affinity for flames should do the trick.”

“Wait, you want to do this now?” Her eyebrows rose.

“Why not?” Cyrus countered, already leading the way. “It’ll give you two time to celebrate afterward.” He flashed me a knowing wink over his shoulder, causing my lips to curl.

“It’s like you’re trying to get into my good graces, Cyrus,” I said, pulling Claire along beside me.

“Maybe I am,” he replied, a smile in his voice.

Claire glanced between us, her brow furrowing. “I thought you two hated each other.”