It wouldn’t necessarily deplete, but I understood what he meant. Accessing the core of our gifts from this far away took strength and energy, weakening our ability to fight like we could on our own ground. Best to retain as much of our element as possible in case of the need.

Light flickered around us as we began our journey, the sound a quiet whoosh softened by the metal car transporting us to the Academy. Kols would use this contraption as well, but it would take him to the Midnight Fae Academy. “Is Kols in his final year?” I asked, thinking out loud.

Cyrus shrugged. “No idea. That fae doesn’t talk about himself a lot.”

I snorted. “True.” For as many times as I’d met him, I barely knew him. He seemed to hide behind a mask of nonchalance and elegance. A typical royal, really.

We came to a stop, the metal clinking and beeping and dissolving before our eyes to reveal the heart of the Academy. My muscles loosened on instinct, the familiar elements bathing us in warm welcome.

Claire spun in a circle, her smile one of the most beautiful sights I’d ever seen.

Until a familiar presence spoiled our fun.

I turned toward it, eyebrow already arched. “Mortus,” I said, his name resembling more of a curse than a greeting. I hadn’t seen him since he knocked me out and threw me in a cage. I knew now that it wasn’t actually him, that someone had been controlling him, but that didn’t make me any more relieved to see the bastard.

“Where have the three of you been?” he demanded, eyeing Claire.

“I don’t believe we have to report our whereabouts,” Cyrus said coolly, wrapping his arm around our mate. “Unless you’re questioning the intentions of your Spirit King?” He nodded at me.

“He’s right,” I agreed. “We don’t owe you an explanation at all.”

“The two of you maybe, but Claire is a student. And all students were due to report back this morning.” Mortus straightened his spine. “Unless you believe she’s above the rules?”

I smiled. “We both know she is, Mortus. But if you must know, we were on official Spirit business. Nothing to concern yourself with, old man. We’re fine.”

His black eyes narrowed into slits, flames practically shooting from his ears. He turned with a dramatic flare of his long black coat and stomped off in the direction of Elana’s home.

“Fucking prick,” Cyrus muttered. “He’ll tell her where we’ve been.”

“And all she’ll find is evidence of a nightclub visit,” I replied. “I’m not worried. Claire’s part human. She can’t fault us for wanting to reacquaint our mate with her home world.”

“Yes, because going to clubs is how I spent my time,” she deadpanned.

“I met you in a bar,” I reminded her, snagging her waist with my arm and guiding us toward the Spirit Quad. “It’s a logical assumption.”

She snorted. “Uh-huh.” Her elbow dug playfully into my side. “I did more than drink and party.”

I kissed the top of her head as we walked, chuckling. “I know, princess. If that was all you did, you wouldn’t be quite so stubborn.”

“Ha ha.” She attempted to elbow me again, but I caught her and pulled her up into my arms, carrying her across the quad.

“Our poor drunk Claire keeps running into me,” I said conversationally to Cyrus.

“Shouldn’t have given her that cherry cocktail, E.” He reached over to tickle her side, causing her to squirm in my arms on a laugh that warmed my heart. “What will we do with her?”

“Oh, I have some ideas,” I drawled. “But I think the others might want to join in.”

“Mmm, a welcome-home party,” Cyrus mused. “Yes, that sounds entertaining indeed.”

“Ugh, I swear you all are going to break me,” Claire muttered, then laughed as Cyrus tickled her again.

“You love it,” he murmured, eliciting more giggles from her and making it rather hard to continue walking while carrying her. But hearing those sounds from her lips made it worth the effort it took to stay upright and moving.

“Okay! Okay! I give!” She practically chortled with the words, and Cyrus took her from my arms to hug her close.

“I love you, little queen,” he said, brushing his lips against her forehead as he allowed her to stand once more, this time with his arm around her. “Now let’s hurry back. I can practically feel Titus’s irritation at our late arrival, and I can’t wait to goad him a little.”

Claire rolled her eyes. “The two of you are going to end up killing each other one of these days.”