Encouraged, I waved a hand and sent a wall of forest trees aside to show the rest of the grove that I was still working on. “It’s not done yet, but I was hoping you could help me. I mean, I was hoping we could work on it together.”

She approached the clearing where small mounds of dirt waited for life. I craved more of her magic, of the sweet fruit and mystery that only Claire could provide.

So the place didn’t look too bare, I had sent pink and purple fae flowers around the perimeter. It gave the place a pop of color, and Claire grinned as she stepped over the boundary. “It’s like a fairy circle,” she mused.

We’d told her a hundred times that fairies weren’t a thing, but I shrugged and agreed. She could call this place whatever she wanted. “Sure.”

She chuckled and handed me the peach. “In the human world, we have these stories in which there are fairy circles. If you get trapped inside, then the fairies will take you to their world and never let you leave.”

I bit into the sweet flesh of the peach and chewed as I considered the idea of a fairy circle. I swallowed and nodded. “You’ve got me. I’m not letting you leave.” I offered her the remaining half of the peach. “But at least you won’t starve.”

She took it, then ran a finger over my mouth where a hint of peach lingered. Her features softened, and I leaned down to her unspoken command to adore her. She met me with a tender kiss, her tongue running over my lips, and then she parted for me when I couldn’t resist a taste for myself.

She was so much fucking better than a peach.

My hand went to her collarbone in a possessive grip, but I forced myself to pull away. That tension was still in her body, and I wasn’t going to ignore the signs that my mate had something on her mind.

“What’s wrong?” I pressed.

She licked her lips, her gaze lowering to take in the bulge forming at my crotch.

Well, I couldn’t help that.

She was my mate and we were alone, and all I wanted to do was show her how much she meant to me, but I would always put her needs before my own.

“I should be asking you the same question,” she teased, but a darkness in her eyes said that she was weary and troubled.

Without giving her a chance to stop me, I scooped her up, running my arm across the back of her legs, and slipped her against my chest. She squealed as she went airborne, and the peach in her hand went flying as she clung to my neck. “Sol!”

I marched her to the biggest tree in the oasis. Peach trees dotted the long path I’d made, but there was one surprise at the end.

The fae called it a World Tree, and it would be where Claire and I would one day consummate our vows. Assuming, of course, that she

intended to someday have me as her true mate.

For now, it would be where I would share secrets with her, where she would be free to open up to me, and where we’d both feel safe from anything that chased her.

This was our place.

Her eyes went wide when she took in the long silver branches that made the tree appear otherworldly. “What is that?” she asked against my cheek.

“A World Tree,” I said, proud of the creation. I’d come a long way in my studies and my powers since Claire had taught me not to be afraid of what I was capable of. “It’s just one branch of many that come from my magic’s source.”

Vox hadn’t been pleased when I showed him this the other day, saying it was dangerous to tap into my royal blood.

The look on Claire’s face now, however, told me he was wrong.

Large roots sprawled out from the base, making a perfect bed with soft moss, and I laid Claire down onto it before joining her. She nestled up against me and slipped her fingers under my shirt, exploring the muscles across my chest.

“You’re full of surprises, Sol.”

I gave her a kiss on the crown of her head. “And you’re full of worry. Spill it, or I’ll tell Cyrus that you’re holding back.”

She laughed. “No, you won’t.”

She was right. Talking to Cyrus didn’t fall on my favored list of activities, and everyone knew it. Not my fault the Royal Fae was a pompous ass. Oh, he gave me space. But I saw through his antics.

Fucking waterfall.