I can smell your fear.
It pleased him that I was afraid. His voice caressed my mind with unwanted touches, invading, taking what wasn’t his to take. Every time he found me again I felt like I lost a little piece of myself. He wanted to own me, to claim me, and I knew if he got his way I’d lose myself entirely.
Stop fighting our connection. You’re mine. You belong to me.
“Get out of my head!” I growled as I ran, bumping into someone that I couldn’t see through the haze of my Alpha’s influence. The human I’d stumbled into offered a brief, mortal future that invaded my mind, dulling the hold my Alpha had over me.
“Hey!” the human said, unaware that I’d just seen his date for later this evening as he grabbed onto me to keep me from falling into him.
The vision unfurled, a tall blonde who looked none too pleased with her date.
“She’s way out of your league!” I shouted, blurting out the vision with the raw need to expel the future from my lungs. Plus, I felt sorry for the girl. He didn’t match his internet profile whatsoever.
“Excuse me?” he barked, letting go of my wrist.
Freed from his unfortunate future, I gulped in a fresh breath and kept moving.
Visions never came to me in coherent pieces and often were as difficult to interpret as they were to avoid. Everyone always wanted to know what their future held for them, what a vision meant, and they wanted answers of how to change unfavorable results.
The future cannot be changed… only accepted.
That’s what I’d been taught all my life, but I wondered if that rule still applied to me now that I was an Omega.
Gods, I hoped not, because his eyes watched me, those sliced, silver cat-like eyes of an Alpha that had targeted his Omega.
You’ll submit to me.
Stop running.
Stop hiding and do what you are meant to do.
…Obey your Alpha.
Who did he think he was? Seriously, “obey” him?
An angsty scream built in my throat as I swatted at the too-perfect face that haunted my visions. A cruel grin formed, and then the visage faded, leaving me alone on the street with passerby humans giving me “well she’s bat-shit crazy” looks.
I was used to that. As a Fortune Fae, I saw things others didn’t. Future and present often blurred together and to most mortals, I could come across as insane.
I preferred to call it a side-effect of being awesome.
Although, as a recently emerging Omega, shit was getting pretty weird, even to my standards.
I decided to embrace the beneficial parts of being an Omega such as my enhanced sense of smell that could detect fae, my strengthened ability to trigger and navigate visions, and a sixth sense that kept me one step ahead of the Alpha on my tail. I wasn’t just going to roll over and submit to him, not if I had anything to say about it.
I’m getting impatient with this little game, he pressed, his irritation palpable. The first few times I’d evaded him, my Alpha had found it amusing. Now, though, he’d had just about enough.
Too fucking bad.
If I was going to continue to evade a pissed off Alpha, then I had to find my next hiding spot, which meant I needed to get back to my nest. Yeah, nesting, that was a new thing too, but I found that it gave me a boost to my intuition, something that had kept me free of the Alpha’s clutches so far. I sensed he was on his way here right now. He roamed the Human Realm looking for me and he wasn’t far, which meant that I needed to dive into my visions again and figure out my future of where I could hide next. There were a few paths remaining where I escaped him. Each time his mind found mine, there were fewer options available, but I’d figure it out. For now, I needed to get out of immediate danger.
Seeing one’s own future was definitely an Omega trait. Typical Fortune Fae couldn’t look at their own Fate’s Mirror. It was how I’d evaded capture so far, not that many Omegas were dumb enough to try. I had no doubt that if I was caught, I’d be punished, and it wouldn’t be pretty.
When. Not if you’re caught, my pretty Omega, but when.