But his magic swathed me in a sea of black, cutting off my access to the element I relied upon for survival, and sank harsh claws into my soul.
I gritted my teeth, furious that I’d allowed him to trap me so effortlessly. That bike had momentarily stunned me, allowing this Midnight Fae jackass to hook me in his dark web.
Fortunately, it wasn’t my first date with his kind of magic.
Closing my eyes, I ignored the inky strands floating around me and focused on finding the core of my strength.
It was dangerous to access the source of my element, but my royal bloodline enabled me to seek it out, to see the original World Tree. Its massive roots resembled a tangle of life reaching out to every living Earth Fae, the thickest band connecting to me—the last Earth Fae heir.
I crawled along it, absorbing its strength and readying my attack.
The Midnight Fae wouldn’t know what—
His canines sank into my flesh, eliciting a scream from my throat. Dread, darkness, and desire flooded my senses at once. A denial parted my lips. My soul screaming at the wrongness of his bite. While my body melted into him in a stark betrayal of my mind.
A tear slid from my eye, the pleasure from his embrace cutting deep into my spirit while my mind recognized the absolute horror of what this meant.
Midnight Fae were not meant to consort with other fae in any capacity. And that included tasting the blood of an elemental or any other fae.
This defied every rule I’d ever learned, and not just because of his teeth in my neck, but because of the very visceral need his touch elicited from within me.
“Stop,” I demanded, but the moan underlying the word belittled my intention.
He captured my hip with one hand, his chest a solid wall of muscle at my front. How could my assailant feel so good? Every part of him seemed to line up perfectly against me, including the impressive erection digging into my lower belly.
Wrong, I reminded myself. But feels so good.
I wanted to crumple into a pile of agony and ecstasy at the same time. But with every pull, I felt my connection to the elements faltering, the life energy I adored slipping from my grasp.
To give in to him, to lose myself in this way… No. I couldn’t. I had to fight. My fae brethren would understand. They’d prosecute him for this. Because it wasn’t my fault. They had to know that.
I hope.
However, if I didn’t at least make my displeasure known, they’d assume me to be complicit in this crime. And then we’d both be punished.
My limbs began to cool as my blood flowed in the wrong direction—toward his mouth. There wasn’t much time. I had to make my stand now, while the feed distracted him.
Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to go limp, feigning submission. Come to me, I called to the source of my elemental power. Fill me with the vitality I need.
This would be easier in the elemental world, the Human Realm far away from the core of my energy. But it heeded my call, recognizing my royal bloodline and filling me with enough strength to rock the foundation of the ground below.
It knocked the stranger’s footing out from under him, causing him to lose his grip just for a moment.
I sprang out of his hold, grabbed the nearby rocks of the walls, and commanded them to pelt him.
Only, he deflected them with a flick of his wrist, his icy gaze glowing with his dark essence. “You’re going to regret that, princess.”
“I think I’m going to regret a lot of things,” I countered, calling on a heftier brick to fly in his direction.
He shoved it aside before whirling into a gray cloud.
My lips parted, shocked by his disappearing act.
Which was exactly what he wanted—a distraction.
Shadowy ropes tied around my torso, yanking me backward into the nearby portal. “Oh Fae, no,” I said, trying futilely to break the smoky bands, but they just reattached every time I sliced through one.