Her smile reached her blue eyes. “Gina,” she replied, taking the seat across from me. “I thought you could use some company since your date is a no-show. Oh, but it’s not through any fault of his own, I assure you. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, it’ll be the least of your concerns very soon.” She blinked, her blue irises turning clear for half a second before returning to normal.
A vision, I realized. A notorious habit of her kind, as was the cryptic commentary.
I sighed. “I expected as much. I don’t think his parents care for our relationship.” I picked at the wrapping around the muffin, trying to figure out why a human would eat such a thing. It resembled fabric. “I’m Aflora, by the way.”
“I know,” she replied, her expression lighting up. “Sole heir to the Earth Fae throne. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Highness.”
The teasing quality of her voice had me snorting. “Yeah, somehow I doubt you mean that.” I narrowed my gaze. “Which tells me you’re here for another reason entirely.”
“Oh, I am,” she agreed. “However, our paths crossing is just a coincidence of happenstance. I only became aware of your destiny recently when I sensed the balance disturbance. It’s going to be an interesting year for you, Aflora. Assuming you take the path left. Hmm, but if you go right, I suspect it’ll catch you eventually anyway. You’re in his thoughts now, after all.”
“Uh-huh.” This chick was proving all my textbooks right about Fortune Fae and their penchant for telling riddles. “Well, that sounds fun.”
“It will be.” She smiled again, only to falter as her gaze flickered once more. “Shit.” She glanced at the clock and pushed away from the table. “I’d offer some advice for the road ahead, but I’ve gotta run. My future keeps finding me despite my deviations from the trail.” She gave me a little finger wave and darted out of the cafe, still wearing her apron.
I gaped after her, as did several of the patrons around me.
From what I could tell, she was the only one on duty.
And this is why hiring a fae is a bad idea, I thought at the owner. We’re not the most reliable sort in your world.
Case in point, my late date.
With a sigh, I pushed my coffee and muffin aside, done waiting. At least I’d understood that part of Gina’s prophecy—Glacier isn’t coming.
Fine. I preferred my spritemead over a date with a boy anyway.
Gathering my purse, I left my mouse-mug and the papery dough cake on the table and headed out into the early afternoon sunshine.
Orlando at least had the weather right. Muggy, hot, and oh-so bright. I smiled as I wandered toward the portal, absorbing the elements along the way. The tropical plants here wouldn’t survive easily in my home world, but maybe I could manufacture a greenhouse to accommodate them.
I paused to touch a particularly beautiful tree with large green leaves sprouting from the top. Mmm, this would be easy to—
Pain shot up my side as something hard rammed into me, sending me several steps forward. “Sorry!” a human shouted as he pedaled by on a two-wheeled contraption.
A bicycle, my memory supplied, recalling a course on mortal transportation.
I glowered after him, ready to give him a piece of my mind, when a hand brushed my arm. “Are you all right?” a deep, masculine voice asked, the accent decidedly smooth.
“Oh, I, yes. Thanks.” I glanced up into a pair of ice-blue eyes, the color and perfection of the irises stunning me into silence.
“Are you sure?” he pressed, his fingers trailing up my arm and leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake. His lips kicked upward, revealing a pair of dimples that didn’t seem to match his ruggedly square jaw or the dark brown stubble dotting his chin.
A proper five o’clock shadow, I mused. Then blinked. Wait, why do I care about such a thing?
“Careful, beautiful,” he cautioned, his arm sliding around my waist. “You’re swaying.”
“I am?” I whispered, my throat going dry as his intoxicating scent surrounded me. Mmm, a dark spice tinted with an earthy aroma. I leaned into him, pressing my side into his hard torso.
Ensnared by his masculinity and grace.
That’s not right, I thought, frowning. I don’t even know this guy.
I attempted to step away, only my feet refused my mental command.