He pulled back, his eyebrows lifting. “This is a big deal, Claire.”
“Mm-hmm,” I agreed. “So you need to tell me how to dress.” I went to try to kiss him again, but he held me at bay with an incredulous look.
“This will make you the Water Queen.”
“I know.”
“And things will be expected of you.”
“I’ll need to give you an heir,” I translated. “Yes, you told me that.”
His eyebrows shot up. “You make it sound so easy, Claire.”
“Isn’t it?” I countered, arching an eyebrow right back at him. “I’m your mate. You’re the future king. That makes me the future queen. We’ll need to provide leadership over the Water Fae, and eventually, we’ll need to produce a son. How am I doing so far?”
“It’s a lot of responsibility, Claire. And easier said than done.”
“Aren’t all things easier said than done?” I asked him, my lips curling. “But I’m sure you’ll enjoy the procreation part. We can practice as many times as you want, my future king. And when we’re ready, I’ll carry your heir and raise our child with you and the others. You just have to work out with Exos who gets to impregnate me first. Let me know what you decide.”
He openly gaped at me. “Who are you and what have you done with my little queen?”
“She turned into an elemental fae goddess,” I replied conversationally. “Now she listens to her elemental instincts.” I tightened my hold around him, drawing his mouth closer to mine. “And right now, they’re telling her to devour her water mate. Then follow him to his coronation next week and wear a pretty crown at his side.”
“Fuck,” he breathed, his exhale reminding me of an ocean breeze. I wanted to revel in it, taste him, indulge him forever.
“You’re mine,” I told him softly. “And I’ll be whatever you need in return. It’s as simple as that, my Water Prince. Now kiss me. I’m tired of talking about politics and want to fuck instead.”
He released a surprised chuckle. “My needy little queen,” he mused.
“You promised to satisfy me for eternity, Cyrus.”
“Indeed I did,” he agreed, his mouth lingering over mine. “I’ll ascend next week, then.”
I nodded. “Yes. You will.”
“Then I’d better get to satisfying my future queen,” he said quietly. “She’s a stubborn little thing.”
“Demanding, too,” I added.
He smiled against my lips. “That she is.”
“Kiss me, Cyrus.”
“Happily, my queen,” he whispered, his mouth taking mine.
All talk of the future was swept away beneath a wave of lust and erotic intention. The Water Prince seducing his Water Princess beneath a sea of matrimony and bliss.
Forever and always.
To the moons and back.
Over and over again.
“May I present Queen Claire?” Cyrus announced, opening the bedroom to his quarters.