You think?

We’ll find out after we deal with Elana, I promised, my arms beginning to shake from the weight of carrying my brother.

At least he’d chosen a tower near the edge of the campus.

It meant we hadn’t needed to walk very far until Mortus showed us the entrance—an entrance that was mysteriously void of the death creatures haunting the Academy grounds.

What do you think? Claire asked, eyeing the twisting trees.

An observer would see only that—two giant trunks mating at the earth to form a beautiful V with vines dancing up and around to decorate the limbs.

But Mortus pulled aside the shrub at its base to reveal an entrance only large enough for a person to crawl through.

I think there’s no way in hell I’m letting you wander down there alone, I replied, frowning.

Which left me with a significant issue resting in my arms.

You can’t carry Exos through that, she replied, noting the problem already spinning through my thoughts.

I know. And there was no way in hell I’d leave Exos under Mortus’s care. Can you reach out to Titus and Vox, ask one o

f them to bring Sol?

Claire shook her head. There isn’t time, Cyrus. And I’ve already taken you away from the fray. The others need them. She took a step forward to investigate the trees and the cavern they revealed below. There’s only one choice here.

I disagree.

I know you do, she tossed back. But you’re also wrong.

“Claire.” I laced her name with a warning.

“Take care of Exos,” she said, stepping out of my reach. “I’ll be back.”

“Claire!” I set Exos down, prepared to grab her, but the little minx had already slithered into the damn hole. “Fuck!”

I’ll be okay.

Not when you get back out here, you won’t, I seethed, pacing before the entrance and ignoring Mortus’s muttering. He offered to look after Exos, which was not happening. Fuck, Claire! I’m going to beat your ass raw.

That sounds arousing, she returned. You promise?

This isn’t funny. Get back here.

I’m fine, she promised.

I glanced at Exos, then at the ground, and then back at Exos. “Blast the elements!” I hated the choice she’d left me with—leave my brother and help her, or trust her and guard him.

But she was underground.

Where she couldn’t seek the elements.

Going fuck knew where.

Claire, I growled.

Stay there, she demanded, infuriating me more. I might need your element.

Which I couldn’t access if I followed her into the tunnels. I’m going to throttle you, woman!