I ran my hand over my face and strode out of my quarters toward Zay’s rooms. Then paused right outside her door, unsure of what I even intended to say.

Sorry for being a dick?

Sorry for taking your charms?

Sorry for not kissing you when I had the chance?

I pressed my forehead to her door and sighed, irritated at my own indecision. Why did this female tie me up in knots? No one else got under my skin like this woman. But something about her made me feel like a foolish boy trying to court a woman for the first time.

And I didn’t fucking court women.

I shoved away from her door and went back to my room.

This ended now.

I had more important things to worry about—like the sea witch my mother intended for me to marry.

And the glass painting my wall and floor.

Yeah, I’d start with that problem and work up from there.

“I hate dresses,” I muttered, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

Napia had chosen a green theme for her engagement party and was requiring all the females in the kingdom to wear various shades of emerald for tonight’s festivities.

“I look like a damn mermaid,” I said, eyeing the gaudy tail of the gown. At least it flattered my curves, but I could hardly move, let alone fight.

Not that I had any plans for a fight in the near term, thanks to the charm-stealing bastard lurking right now in my bedroom. Things had been tense between us since the night he informed me of his true thoughts where I was concerned.

“You’re my damn burden.”


Every time I thought about his words, I cringed. He hadn’t tried to apologize, purely keeping it professional between us every time I saw him. And there wasn’t any hint or talk of my list.

Three names.

Three demons I needed to kill.

Yet I stood here in a mermaid costume about to attend a social occasion to celebrate Grigory’s engagement.

Fuck. My. Life.

With a shake of my head, I stalked out of my bathroom to find Grigory lounging on my bed in a three-piece suit that fit him like a glove, his dark eyes on the ceiling.

He wasn’t so much here for my benefit as he was to make sure I cooperated and attended tonight’s event. He also appeared to be hiding from his bride-to-be. Considering her hideous head of h

issing snakes, I couldn’t exactly fault him for that. Only a horny rattlesnake would be interested in tangling with that serpent feline.

Grigory raised his head slightly, his heavy gaze taking in my gown. For a brief moment, he appeared distracted from his dark thoughts, his lips curling slightly as he said, “You look pretty.”

“Really? Because I don’t think green is my color,” I replied. “And I much prefer pants.”

He smirked. “I know.”

Silence fell between us, underlined in awkwardness.

He rolled off the bed, his eyes going everywhere except toward me. No hint of an apology and no discussion on what was said the other night, the words heavy between us. Or at least, they weighed on me—his burden.