“All of the above,” Lucifer answered calmly. “The Shadow Kingdom needed to fall for you to value your place just as much as Valora values hers.” He canted his head, his expression thoughtful. “Corruption is the consequence of power, of which you both contain more than any other in all of the Underworld. To curb that corruption and influence humanity requires great sacrifice. As you both now know.”

“But we never wanted this,” I whispered, shaking my head. “I never desired…” I trailed off, hearing the lie before I finished speaking.

Because I had desired power. Many times. But mostly to protect myself and others who required it from vile men like Necros.

“And you feel that way because of your instilled humanity,” Lucifer murmured, obviously inside my thoughts. “You’re my most beautiful creation, Valora. Strong, powerful, and a living, breathing star. You could destroy the Underworld if you chose to, but I know you won’t. Not after everything you’ve endured and learned through experience.”

“What’s to stop me from destroying you?” I wondered aloud, furious with the knowledge of being his puppet.

Adrik seemed to agree, his link to me thriving with support at my comment.

“Your heart,” Lux replied softly. “One day, you’ll unders

tand what we’ve done and why. When your child is born, you’ll understand the sacrifices we made on your behalf. For you’re not the only one who suffered all these years, Valora. And fortunately, you’ll never feel the pain of a mother giving up her child—for the greater good.”

When? I thought, glancing at Adrik.

His pale skin seemed to whiten to a near-ashen color. “Child?” It came out on a whisper of sound.

Necros ruined the moment by chuckling, his presence becoming more of a nuisance than a fright. “Impossible. She’s barren.”

Lux’s lips flattened as she regarded him. “Why do males always assume it’s the female preventing pregnancy?”

“A flaw in our creation programming,” Lucifer sighed. “And yes, Adrik, you are the father. Contraception is a mortal invention. Valora merely needed to choose and she chose you.”

The world spun around me, Adrik’s arm catching me before I could fall. But he didn’t seem to be faring any better, his shock at the pronouncement leaving us both stunned.

“Once you’ve sent Necros to the death planes, the kingdom and all the surrounding regions will become yours to rule as you desire. But I have faith you will both prosper here.” Lucifer smiled. “The fates are in my favor, after all.” He held out his arm. “Shall we, My Queen?”

“One thing before we go,” she said, approaching me cautiously. “Valora, I know you hate what we’ve done. But you will heal. You already are. Twenty-one years is a blink of an eye for someone who will live as long as you. I just want to say, I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become, and the queen you will be. When you’re ready to learn more, you know where to find me.” She turned to Adrik, her smile growing. “I’m proud of you, too. You’re everything I’ve always dreamed of for our daughter. Strong, noble, and kind. The perfect king.”

She started toward Lucifer, her heels clicking against the soot-littered ground.

“What about Grigory?” Adrik asked. “Is he…?”

Lux turned, her grin magnificent in its beauty. “Mine?” She nodded. “Yes. And he will take his place soon, once he’s finished living his destiny.”

Lucifer chuckled. “I love how that’s playing out.”

“She is quite feisty, isn’t she?”

“Reminds me of someone I know,” he murmured, wrapping his arms around her.

They disappeared with a rumble of power that sent us all to our knees.

Necros was the first to recover, his rage blowing through the room on a harsh tornado of power that swept Adrik up into the ceiling and sent him crashing down to the floor.

His head lolled, his body momentarily stunned from the display of unexpected force. Necros followed up the explosive blast with one meant for me that I blocked. His third attempt was lost to my flames.

He growled in fury. “Is that any way to treat your husband, wife? The male who raised you and provided you with shelter. The one who gave you jewels and dresses and a life.”

He must have missed the part where Lucifer denounced our vows.

I narrowed my gaze. “I’ve let you do horrendous things to me thinking it was your right as my husband. Something you taught me, I might add. But now I see the truth. You’re a weak demon with little hope left. It’s a poetic end to a life that has meant nothing but cruelty.”

“I’m the one who’s fed and clothed you since childhood. I made you my queen when everyone else abandoned you.” His laugh was cruel. “You’re nothing but a pawn to Lucifer. Surely you see that?”

“Just as I was a pawn to you?” I countered. “You only raised me for my power.”