A ferocious claiming, culminating in Adrik’s teeth sinking into my neck. I screamed his name and threaded my fingers through his hair, forcing him to drink his fill. Taking me into him, sealing our lives together in a forbidden embrace, mating me despite my marital ties.

“Mine,” I whispered, my world shattering over and over again, the galaxies rejoicing with my cries. This was meant to be.

Adrik and me.

Forever and always.

A king and queen finally united.

Fire licked across my knuckles, the embers a kiss against my skin. One I returned with my lips against Valora’s mouth. She hummed in approval, her tongue dancing with mine as I slid into her slick channel once more. Her hips rose to meet mine, her lithe form perfectly keeping pace with my movements, earning her a low growl of approval from my throat.


We’d been doing this for hours.

And had hardly spoken a word.

It was as if something had snapped. Some sort of cautionary barrier that had been holding us in limbo, away from one another. But now nothing could keep us apart.

I bit her.

I fucked her.

I kissed her.

I repeated it all again.

And again.

Her mewls of satisfaction were music to my ears.

She came again on a scream, her nails ripping down my back and igniting my flesh in more of her delicious flames. If she noticed the power exchange, she didn’t comment. I wasn’t trying to tap into her energy; she was pushing it into me. As if she had too much to contain and needed someone to bear the weight of her fire.

Her lip bled beneath my tongue, exciting my instincts. I lapped at the wound, closing it and creating another beside it. She hissed in response, then arched into my driving cock and demanded more.

It was a whirlwind of sensation unlike any I’d ever experienced.

I never wanted it to stop.

Could do this forever.

Lost in the world of oblivion.

With my Valora.

“My Adrik,” she whispered, so deep into my thoughts that we were thinking as one. Whatever had happened, whatever caused that wall to fall, was the best and worst thing to ever happen to us.

Valora agreed with a groan, her mouth taking mine as I shifted our positions. She straddled my lap, sitting with me, riding me, taking her pleasure again and again before I pressed her into the headboard and nearly fucked the life out of her.

More fire.

More scratches.

So much blood.

She bit me, too. Her blunt little teeth marking my skin as hers while I repaid the favor against her breasts. Then I feasted between her legs, loving the echo of embers that teased my tongue after her explosive orgasm.

And lay in bliss as she took me in her mouth to return the favor.