Each shift tingled more and more, pushing away the discomfort and yielding to pleasure. I hummed in appreciation, my limbs shaking beneath the onslaught of pain-filled ecstasy growing between my legs.

Adrik’s lips parted, his breaths coming faster as I picked up speed, following the path oblivion had carved out for me and searching for the bliss I knew existed at the end.

“Fly,” he whispered. “Fly for me.”

Oh, I wanted to.

I really, really wanted to.

And I was so close. So very, very close.

An inferno built deep in my soul, curling, churning, and threatening to take us both. The intensity of it scared me, sent me falling forward onto his slick chest, where I shuddered. His fingers threaded through my hair, combing out the tangled wet strands, making me think of our bath together. How he’d touched me. Healed me. Cared for me.

My walls clenched down around him, reminding me of his cock still locked deep inside and the hunger that thrived between us like a live beast that required taming.

No. Not taming.


I whimpered, unsure of what I needed. Confused by the dueling sentiments of lust and fear. My heart began to race as Adrik lifted, my nails clinging to his shoulders.

No, no.

He couldn’t take control now.

Not yet.

I wasn’t ready.

“Valora,” he breathed, his lips against my cheek as he slowed his movements, stopping as he sat up completely, my thighs on either side of his. “Try this.”

I couldn’t. Too afraid. Too bewildered by his guidance.

“You’re still in charge,” he whispered, kissing my neck softly. “You move however fast or slow you want. But this position will help you. Trust me.”

I shivered, those last two words a resounding promise to my very soul.

Trust me.

Could I? Could I trust him?

We barely knew each other. Yet, I felt as if I knew him better than anyone else. Maybe it was the glimpse inside his head when his walls were completely down. I experienced so much with him. His memories. His desires. His goals.

And most importantly, I saw his guilt for leaving me with Necros. Not at missing the opportunity to hurt the monster, but for allowing such cruelty to befall me. Even though he knew there wasn’t anything he could do.

Because I’d felt his power inside. And while it rivaled Necros’s, it wasn’t enough. Not with the marital ties binding me to the King of Caluçon, and the history between us.

I might not be at full strength yet—nowhere near it—but Necros could still potentially use me. And that little energy would be enough to defeat Adrik.

Neither of us was ready.

But we would be.


I kissed him, sealing the unspoken vow while allowing my hips freedom to move once more. He was right. This position intensified everything, brushed my swollen nub against his pelvis, and heightened the passion burning through my veins.

“Adrik,” I breathed, picking up the pace and finding the rhythm I needed. Pushing that hot boundary, seeking the rapture I felt building beyond. I threaded my fingers through his hair, holding him to me as our mouths hovered over one another, panting, licking, and nipping.