And still I couldn’t move, Adrik’s will holding my own.

He whispered something important, but Necros’s fist against my temple destroyed my ability to hear.

And another hit to my head snapped Adrik’s hold and sent me to the ground.

My vision faded into shades of black as a nightmarish realization rolled through my thoughts...

There’s no defeating Necros.

He’s too strong.

He’ll rule forever.

Valora had cut me off for three fucking days. Every time I tried to peek into her head, I sensed nothing. Just a shade of black, barely blinking with life.

It took all manner of discipline not to do something about it.

But it was too soon. I couldn’t take on Necros yet, especially with her in what felt like a comatose state.

Whatever depraved insanity Necros has done to her… My hands fisted with my desire to punch the wall. Again.

“Fuck,” I growled, pacing my guest quarters.

I’d already slipped through the passageways to her rooms, but grunts from Necros kept me from entering.

Because I would have killed him.

Or tried to, anyway.

I palmed the back of my neck and blew out a breath. Necros was a lot of things, but weak, unfortunately, was not among those traits.

Taking him on while emotionally enraged would backfire.

I’d lose.

And Valora, well, she’d suffer, too. More than whatever he was doing to her right now.

I needed a sparring partner to work out some of this pent-up aggression with before I did something stupid. If only Grigory had stayed after—

The door to my chambers flew open, Necros standing on the threshold. He didn’t even knock. Nor did he seem unrepentant as he tossed Valora into my room. “Sorry for the leftovers, Adrik. You can have her for the next few days. Maybe even the week. Just let me know if you tire of her, because Lucifer knows I have.” He glowered at her mop of dark hair, hiding a face I knew would be covered in bruises.

A myriad of replies taunted my tongue. Most of them curt. A few threats. Instead, I shrugged and forced a nonchalant tone. “I’ll find a way to amuse myself.”

“Attaboy,” the king replied, grinning. “I like you.”

Feeling isn’t mutual, asshole. “And I appreciate your hospitality,” I returned, somewhat meaning that. I had enjoyed wandering the palace I considered to be mine.

“Good.” He gave a nod and left as abruptly as he’d arrived.

I supposed it was a compliment that he’d dropped her off here himself.

But I suspected it was more him wanting to catch me off guard. It implied that he knew I was in my room, which could be perceived as a reminder that this was his domain. Little did he realize I allowed him to know my whereabouts, especially the last two days as I awaited my time with Valora.

“Get up,” I said harshly, aware that Necros stood just outside the door. His dark aura always left a residual stain on my senses, and it blasted heavily at me now.

The sick bastard wanted to hear what I intended to do.

I’d altered the cameras in this room and the surrounding hallways over the last week, slowly changing the areas they surveyed and putting them on loops that his security team failed to notice. The audio recorders had all been altered with white noise, an