Bloody or not, I will not bow to his demands.

“I’m used to being covered in blood. I am married to Necros, after all,” I justified out loud. “I would suggest the issue with clothes is more your own. I’m not a fool; I saw the look on your face when you had blood on your weapon. It was one of pure disgust.” Which was an odd thing for one of Noxia. They were vampires. They lived for blood.

Adrik appeared directly in front of me, a dressing gown of sheer white silk held in his hand. I jumped like a nervous kitten, not having heard or noticed him moving, and immediately cursed myself for showing weakness.

“On the contrary, My Queen. As a Prince of Noxia, I adore blood, but mostly of the female variety.” He waved the dressing gown in my face. “Change. I won’t ask you again.”

I turned my head away from him, a refusal to entertain or acknowledge him and his demanding ways. The hot space between my legs pulsed in response, enjoying the idea of provoking him. For what purpose, I couldn’t say, but it took a valiant effort not to squirm.

What is wrong with me?

I can’t enjoy this. Ever.

He was just as bad as Necros.

No, worse. He made me feel...

“Have it your way, then.” Adrik whirled me around and up against the bed. In a single strong tug, he ripped the skirt from my body, the sliced corset falling in its wake and leaving me naked before him. The vibrant fuchsia-toned silks were flung across the floor to land in a heap by the only door in the room.

Adrenaline surged through my body. How dare he think he could treat me this way? I was a queen -- no, a person -- not a toy. They couldn’t do this to me.

With my own quick movement, I turned to face the stranger in the room and smacked my hand hard across his face. The sound of flesh meeting flesh was so loud it echoed off the cavernous ceilings. My palm stung like I’d just been whipped.

Adrik didn’t move, not even a flinch to rub where a red mark had appeared on his strong, stubbled jawline. He just stared at me, his eyes deepening to the hues of the darkest night as mayhem fluttered in them.

I inhaled deeply, sheer terror running through my body and mixing with the aftermath of my recent orgasm. Every nerve ending jumped to attention, stirring a fire within me I couldn’t seem to cool.

What is happening to me?

Am I going insane?

“You have so little faith in yourself, yet underneath the shadows is a powerful woman,” he advised softly. “Embrace it, use your anger to fuel the fires of your revenge. It’s the only way you’ll get through this.”

I raised my hand again, shock ricocheting through my body at his words. They were in direct contrast to what every man wanted me to be in this palace. Necros wanted me to be docile, a good fuck, and to produce his heirs. Silence was my greatest virtue to everyone.

I didn’t understand. Before I had a chance to lash out at him anew, Adrik grabbed me by the neck, his strong hand constricting my breath and pushing me backward onto the bed.

“There are cameras in this room,” he advised in that same low tone. “He’ll be watching and expecting certain behaviors. I’ll need this to appear real.”

“What?” None of this made any sense, but as he fumbled with his belt, my confusion flew out the window.

He’s going to fuck me now.

Except he only unbuttoned his pants and partially lowered the zipper, his cock remaining hidden behind the silky texture of his suit trousers. He knelt on the bed, pushing me upward with the grip around my throat until my head hit the pillows, and settled between my splayed legs.

“What are you…?” I trailed off as he released my neck to skim his fingers downward between us, his featherlight touch brushing my breastbone and stomach before slipping into the slickness between my thighs.

“Don’t let them break you, Valora,” he whispered, his lips near mine.

“Adrik,” I breathed, conflicted as his thumb unerringly found my already sensitive nub and circled it. This wasn’t what I expected, wasn’t what we were supposed to do, but the entire time, he kept his ardent gaze on me, drawing me into the danger he possessed inside him.

Who is this man? What does he want from me?

And why am I not fighting him?

His hips circled against me, providing further friction where I needed it.

He wasn’t taking me with his cock?