
Zaya’s shriek sent a chill down my spine. I couldn’t see her, but I knew what they were doing to her. All because my husband could. I’d try to help her later, return her to her family, something to get her out of this hell.

Assuming she survives the night.

Oh, I hated Necros. Loathed him.

Whatever good I tried to see in him was gone, just like my dignity as I sat on the floor, awaiting my fate.

I took in the men fighting, willing them to just kill each other to end this charade so I could return to my room and hide.

The men on the ground were highly skilled, battling fast and hard. All with individual styles that echoed their upbringing. One of the males was twice the size of my husband, with a scar down the center of his face. His crooked nose and beady eyes terrified me just as much as watching him take down opponent after opponent with a weapon that killed immortals. I had to turn away from him, the thought of having him touch me sending shivers down my spine.

How would I manage to do this?

They are going to break me.

My eyes flitted to another man next, one of similar size to my husband but with a hint of coldness to his features. I frowned at him, curious. He possessed the kind of face that would have women throwing themselves at his feet, his dark features and pale skin a contrast most would find desirable. Why was he here? Surely he did not require a fight to bed a woman. And oddly, he didn’t have a speck of blood on him. How strange.

Part of me was surprised my husband allowed such a specimen to join the battle.

The other part didn’t care. Because what did I know? I was just a woman meant to please her husband.

Fuck them all.

My hand shook, my brow beading with sweat. I gripped my skirts, willing my limbs to cooperate. Nobody can see my fear. It will only weaken me further in their eyes.

“One left and then we’ll know your men,” Necros informed me.

My stomach churned, thinking of the six men who would take me one after the other. Brand me as a whore and destroy the virtue I was brought up to believe in. “Will I be given to the victor tonight?” I wondered quietly, then flinched at the thought of further punishment.

My husband’s lips curled into a cruel grin. “No time like the present. I mean, surely you want to reward one of the hardworking victors with your body, right? Or would you prefer all six to share Zaya tonight as a warm-up?” He turned his attention away from the fight and to me, with a questioning eyebrow raised.

I swallowed. I will kill you. “I prefer to reward one myself, My Lord,” I managed to say, my throat dry.

“Or perhaps all six at once?” He smirked evilly. “Decisions, decisions.”


There was no question for me to answer, his attention already drifting. What could I say? Nothing. He owned me. I’d never been my own person. Never controlled my fate. And tonight would be no different.

I refocused on the bloody arena, waiting for the inevitable.

The handsome man wielded his knife with an adept skill, but I was shocked when I saw he focused his attention on the man with the crooked nose. He’d lose, the fool.

Arrogance was always a downfall, especially in the Underworld.

I sat stunned when he leaped quickly and soundlessly into action and surprised Crooked Nose with a slice to his throat. I leaned forward, watching every move with awe. I’d never seen a fighter with such skill.

How was that possible?

Crooked Nose grabbed his neck and tried to speak, but no sound came out. The entire room stopped while the giant fell, leaving six victors in his wake.

The handsome male looked down at his knife and wrinkled his nose. Leaning over, he wiped it on the jacket of the dead man before him and then tucked it away like he hadn’t just used it to kill someone.

“Excellent. I see some of you came prepared.” Necros stood while I remained at his feet, where he’d commanded I stay.

The six men shifted forward, five were covered head to toe in the blood of those they’d defeated, but the man I’d just witnessed kill someone twice his size still remained untouched. He appeared as though he’d been out for a short jog rather than engaging in a bloody battle.