“Which, I think, is the point,” she replied, leaning her head against my shoulder. “Lucifer is the Creator of this world. He’s a mastermind of impossibilities. I’m not sure we were created to understand them all.”

“Something tells me he only explains the ones that matter.” Such as why he and Lux had crafted such an intricate scheme to match me to Valora. It raised the question of fate and if we were ever in control of our own destinies.

I suspected we were not.

But I also wasn’t sure I possessed a desire to change mine.

Yes, I lost my kingdom. However, the primary reason I cared was because of Lux’s insistence that I seek revenge for my family. Not because I ever loved them. I was too young, an infant, to feel the pain of their loss. And then I grew up in a life of riches and opulence. How much did I really suffer? The answer was not at all.

Valora, however, endured a far worse life. Always being told she was beneath others. Her husband treating her as a common whore. Having her powers ripped away at birth and then squandered upon revival.

“Do you hate them?” Because I wouldn’t blame her if she did.

“No.” She faced me, her opposite hand grasping mine to hold both my wrists before her. “I can’t hate them when they brought me you.”

“I’m pretty sure they made me to be yours.” At least, that was what I gathered from all their cryptic words.

“Then I am quite pleased with their creation,” she replied, her smile radiant with a touch of seduction. “You are the perfect king.”

“For a perfect queen,” I replied, lifting her hand to my lips. “I wouldn’t change any of it. Apart from being unconscious during Necros’s destruction.” It sucked to miss that part. I really wanted to hear the bastard scream.

Mirth shone bright in her icy blue gaze. “I can recount each excruciating detail for you.”

“Mmm, pillow talk.” I tugged her closer, desiring to feel her warmth against mine. “Are you trying to seduce me, My Queen?”

“I am now,” she replied, releasing my hands to wrap her arms around my neck. “Do you truly want this, Adrik? Do you want me?”

I pressed one palm to her lower back, the other going to her nape, holding her closely. “Do I want to live happily ever after with my queen? To rule the Nova Kingdom at her side? To raise our future son or daughter—without all the sick and twisted games?” I smiled. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, Valora, than with you. Call it fate. Call it divine intervention on behalf of the Devil himself. Regardless, my heart is true, and it desires you.”

“Happily ever after?” she repeated, her gaze twinkling. “Does that even exist in this world?”

“I think we can make it exist.” I lowered my mouth to hers, brushing a soft kiss against her lips. “You’re the Creator of the Underworld’s daughter. If anyone can manufacture a happily ever after, it’s you.”

“No,” she whispered, her fingers twining in my hair. “It’s us. We can create it. Together.”

“Sounds like the destiny of our dreams.” I ran my tongue along her bottom lip. “And what of our kingdom, My Queen?”

“We rule together,” she vowed. “Forever and always.”

“A life I can adore, like I adore you.”

She smiled. “Is that a yes, then?”

“As if I could say no,” I replied, kissing her once more. I love you, my sweet star.

Her amusement touched my thoughts. Who knew you could be such a romantic? Happily ever afters. Love.

I swept her into my arms, carrying her as one should on a wedding night. “If you don’t require the romance, then allow me to return us to our rooms.” I paused, glancing down at her. “They are still in one piece, right?”

She laughed, her arms around my neck. “I didn’t destroy everything. Just…” She paused to glance around. “Well, a lot of it.”

“We’re going to need a few architects,” I agreed, taking in the destruction. The stone walls were fine. But a hell of a lot of dust had settled from the bodies of those she’d slain.

“We’ll rebuild it all, except the forbidden areas. Those I want restored. Especially the library.” Her eyes twinkled. “I want to establish an education program for those in need. We will offer classes there.”

“On self-defense and power manipulation?” I teased, carrying her through the gardens that backed up to her rooms. She’d demolished all the statues to rubble, giving it a rather bleak appeal.

“Maybe,” she replied. “But only if you’re leading the class. Naked.”