If she forgave me for what I had come here to say.

Valora. I’m here.

I waited in the dark for her reply, hoping she would grant me entry.

Light peeked at me from the interior of her room as she slowly revealed the entry, her wary gaze meeting mine.

“What’s wrong?” I asked softly, moving inside to cup her cheek. She had no reason to be mad at me yet, as we hadn’t even begun our conversation.

Valora stepped away from me. “Are you working with Necros?”

“What?” I nearly laughed, but the look on her face said she was serious. “Why the fuck would you think that?” And how was this the beginning of our discussion? I’d expected to at least have a chance to warm her up a little before we started down a dangerous path.

“He thanked you for your help in guiding me, then asked if you wanted to celebrate.” She folded her arms. “Are you working with him? Is all of this just another fucked-up game? One where you tame my powers for the king?”

My jaw actually hit the floor.

After weeks of being everything she needed and more, she questioned my loyalty over a few exchanged words with Necros? If only she knew how accurate her suspicion proved to be, but she suspected me for the wrong reasons entirely.

“What a tortured life you’ve led to have to be so distrusting of those around you,” I marveled.

But I also understood.

If I’d been raised by someone like Necros, I wouldn’t have a shred of faith left in anyone. And the fact of the matter was, I hadn’t sought her out with the purest intentions. I had wanted to use her for myself, to seek justice for my loved ones.

Except, at some point, my loyalties had shifted. So much so that I couldn’t stop the words that came next.

“Your husband believes the vows grant him rights to your natural gifts, but he couldn’t absorb them today. I watched him try and fail. The only thing your marriage has done is protect him against your power.” Rather than touch her again, I leaned against the wall, hands in the pockets of my suit pants. “Create a flame, Valora.”

Her brows pulled down. “Excuse me?”

“Please?” I pressed. “Can you create a flame for me?”

Over the last few days, she’d been able to call the energy to her with a thought rather than being pressured or bullied into it.

She blew out a breath and held out her hand, a ball of blue fire spinning in a hypnotic pattern across her pale skin.

I smiled. “Beautiful.”


not an answer to my question,” she added, irritation heavy in her voice. “Your avoidance only proves that you’re hiding something from me.”

“I am hiding something from you,” I admitted, pushing away from the wall. “I’ve been hiding something all along, but it’s not what you think.”

It was a risk to confess this to her.

A risk to both my future and hers.

But it felt wrong to allow the truth to fester and burn between us like a dark fog threatening to destroy the foundation of our fates.

“Tell me,” she demanded, the angelfire glowing against her fair complexion.

“The prophecy claims that your betrothed can claim your power,” I said slowly. “That’s why Necros wed you. However, he didn’t understand that it’s not just about the forced vows but also about your heart.”

I tugged on the tenuous link between us, mentally calling upon her fire, begging for a taste. It was pure instinct. Her eyes widened as a flicker of blue flame graced my fingertips.

Valora’s lips parted in awe. “How are you…?”