“But you said the purpose of the wedding was to create a link.”

“It was, but what if that link isn’t duty-bound to the vows, but to the heart?” he asked softly. “Lucifer had to help before. What about now? Do you feel any obligation or connection to Necros? Anything that gives him a right to your energy?”

I considered and shook my head. “I feel nothing.” Not even a sense of loyalty like I once did. I wanted nothing to do with Necros other than to be the one to drive a blade through his heart. “So what you’re saying is, even if I displayed my ability, he won’t be able to steal it. Not immediately, anyway.” Not without Lucifer.

“Yes. Which, I think, gives us an opportunity.”

“You want me to demonstrate my ability during his next test.” I didn’t ask, because I already knew. It made sense. “He’ll think he’s won, that I’m finally giving him what he needs.”

“And that’s when we’ll strike,” Adrik agreed, drawing his thumb across my cheek. “But it will have to be a weak display of power, to make him think it’s just finally coming to life.”

“Which will make him want to provoke even more from me.”

Adrik dipped his chin in agreement. “It will also put you in a position of power that he’ll have to respect. At least until he can take it.”

“But we won’t let him get that far.”

“No, we won’t.” He lowered his mouth to mine, whispering a kiss across my mouth. “Fortunately, we still have a few days of practice ahead of us. But I’ll do everything I can to help you prepare, sweet star.”

“I’ll be ready,” I vowed. “I don’t have a choice.”

“And I’ll be with you for whatever you need,” he murmured, kissing me again. “I’ve put the demonesses to sleep. Which means I’m officially all yours.”

“Won’t they wake if you forget about them?” I asked, curious about his ability and how it worked.

“No. I compelled them to dream for twelve hours. Their minds will comply without my continued influence.”

“That’s what you did to me the first night,” I realized out loud, my eyes widening.

“Yes, but as I said, you were different.” His midnight gaze sparkled with desire, his lips curling suggestively. “I let you into my mind, Valora. I’ve never granted that privilege to anyone, not even Grigory.”

I ran my fingers down his back, tracing the fabric of his jacket. “Why me?” I aloud. “Why did you let me in?”

“Because I knew you were different.” He canted his head, his obsidian pupils flaring with the truth of his words. “I’ve always known who you were, Valora. My beautiful star. I’ve always wanted you to awaken. It’s our destiny, yours and mine, to take down this kingdom. It’s written in the galaxies.”

“To kill them all,” I breathed. He’d promised me that from early on, but only recently did I understand why. “Everyone knows you as a Prince of Noxia, but that’s not who you are at all.”

“No. I’m the King of Shadows, and one day soon, the Underworld will know how I earned that name.” He kissed me again, his mouth insistent against mine. “Will you take me, Valora? Will you lead us both into a sea of bliss?”

“I thought you wanted control tonight,” I reminded him.

“I’m always in control, sweet star.” He rolled us, placing me on top, his hands supporting my hips as I found my balance. “Ride me.”

I smiled. “Only if you promise to bite me again afterward.”

“Oh, I’ll do more than bite you, My Queen.” He wrapped his palm around my neck, pulling me flat against him as his lips brushed mine. “Now fuck me, Valora. Fuck me like I’m yours.”

I kicked my legs against my bed, bored.

After another week of beautiful bliss in Adrik’s arms, I’d been forced to return to my quarters with no explanation as to why. I’d half expected Necros to demand entry last night and fuck me, but he’d left me alone to dwell in my own nerves.

Sleep had turned to nightmares as violent visions of doom invaded my dreams. I’d woken up sweating with sparks flying from my hands that threatened to ignite my bedsheets. Adrik’s name had been the first to enter my thoughts, my need for him a scary realization. And then he’d been there, his presence warming me to my core from afar while never setting foot inside my physical rooms.

I would never understand how he was able to elicit such bliss from my body. How his mere thoughts dismantled my tension and calmed my chaotic mind.

Adrik? I called, curious as to why I hadn’t heard from him yet today.

I’d bathed and dressed in clothes to appease Necros, assuming he had a need for me beyond just lounging in my rooms. My dark teal dress was embroidered with jewels and bones along the bodice, something I knew would please my husband. The gory details weren’t my favorite, but it did seem a shame that such a beautiful garment would probably be ruined by the end of the day.