But Valora held me captive with her soft mewls and lust-flared pupils.

She’d completely forgotten her place.

Lost herself to the sensations.

“Are you going to come for me, Valora?” I whispered, my mouth dropping to her ear. “Fly, little bird. Fly hard and fast.”

Her moan sang through my system, her nails gripping me tightly as she fell apart before me in the most beautiful display of pleasure I’d ever witnessed. My mask of indifference almost fell. Almost. But I remembered our surroundings at exactly the right moment, my lips curling into the epitome of evil I knew the king would appreciate.

“Mmm, that’s how you participate, Valora,” I said, my tone just loud enough for others to overhear. “With passion.” I slid my palm from her hip to her lower back, catching her as she continued to convulse from the aftershocks of her orgasm. “And you enjoyed it, didn’t you?”

Her exhale feathered over my mouth, her mind not yet catching up with the moment. “I… Yes.”

I hated what I had to say, hated how I had to shatter such a beautiful moment. But this performance required a finale, one that would win the king’s approval and grant me what I required—his tenuous respect.

“Of course you did.” I withdrew my knife and brought the handle up to her lips. “Lick.”

She didn’t hesitate, still lost to the wondrous world of ecstasy that her husband had failed to introduce her to. I coated her tongue and mouth with her juices, allowing everyone to see just how much Valora enjoyed my brand of fucking.

“Your wife is a beautiful whore,” I told the king, despising myself for the role I had to play. “She might pretend not to like it, but we can all see the truth now.” I drove my handle into her mouth with those words, forcing her to accept it the way her cunt had and glanced up at her smirking husband. “I think I’ll take you up on that room now.”

Necros chuckled and waved a hand. “Of course. I think you’ve more than proven your skill in handling her. And I’ll admit, I rather enjoyed the show.” His lewd gaze danced over a now-cowering Valora, her shame written across her features and in the horrified glimmer of her eyes.

Yes, she’d completely forgotten our audience.

And my words had snapped her back faster than a bullet piercing the air.

What she didn’t know was that the entire show had been for her benefit. I wanted the rules established for those who possessed no regard for humanity, and I required the king’s trust with her. His invitation suggested a one-week trial. Hardly good enough for my intentions. Hopefully, tonight’s little ruse would earn me more time.

I withdrew my weapon and slid it into the sheath lining my pocket. Then stood and held out my hand. “Shall we, little whore?”

She flinched at the new nickname, while the others guffawed. Pricks. All of them. Not that I felt all that much better from speaking their language.

I consoled myself with images of Caluçon burning to the ground.

Too bad it required harming an innocent in the process.

Shoving that negative consideration down, I cocked a brow at the still-kneeling queen. “Valora?” I prompted, needing her to comply. The king would expect punishment, and I really didn’t want to have to degrade her more than I already had.

She visibly shook herself and stood without accepting my help up off the ground, her pride returning with a vengeance.

I fought a smile, pleased to see that a little public shaming wasn’t enough to break her, and grabbed her elbow before she could think to march off without me.

“My Liege,” I said, bowing my head in false reverence to the king. “It is an honor to serve.”

He grinned. “Trust me, the pleasure is all mine.” His gaze shifted to an opening door, where one of his minions stood with a horde of waiting females. “Gentlemen, your gifts for participating in my games have arrived. Adrik, should you require any leftovers when you’re done with my wife, you know where to find us.”

“Your hospitality is unworldly, King Necros.” I allowed my lips to curl. “If your wife performs as poorly as she did earlier, then you will definitely be seeing me again.”

He laughed, his attention on an approaching pair of blondes. “Welcome to my daily life, Prince of Noxia.” He held open his arms. “There’s a reason I don’t share a bed with my wife.”

Valora was frozen beside me, her arm brittle beneath my palm. I allowed my thumb to graze her inner elbow, just a slight touch of comfort. “I’ll take my leave now and provide a report in the morning.”

Necros didn’t bother with a reply, his lips already otherwise engaged. Valora took in the sight with horror-stricken eyes, something I helped to hide by yanking her into my side.

She said nothing.

Did nothing.