And he’d just demonstrated through action that he considered Kols to be under his protection. More than that, he’d treated him as royalty by pulling out his chair like one would for a better.

Zeph sat down next to Shade, his expression giving nothing away. But I heard the wonder in his mind, his surprise over Zakkai’s actions evident. I think we were all feeling that way.

Having a link to my Quandary Blood mate allowed me to understand why he’d done it. He was demonstrating his affiliation with our circle, claiming us as his.

Which meant his people should treat us with respect.

“Be seated,” he told them.

Laki smirked, but did as his son demanded, taking the position across from us. Then the others began to find their locations as well.

I turned to lean my staff against my chair, not wanting to hold it through the meal, and rotated back around to find the entire table staring at my magical conduit. Frowning, I glanced back at it, then at them, and then back at my staff again. What? I asked my mates. What’s wrong?

It disappeared again, Zakkai explained, his focus on the others. And going by the expression on my father’s face, he knows why.

“Zen gave you the staff,” Laki said, admiration in his tone. “Which I gather means that you now speak for her and those under this dome. I suppose we should begin then.”