“There’s more blood in the fridge,” Zenaida murmured. “Take it with you. Aflora will need it.”

Rather than take the offer, I bit into my wrist and held it to Aflora’s mouth.

My mate didn’t hesitate, taking what she needed before Zephyrus followed suit.

Zenaida merely smiled, her gaze knowing. “We’ll keep Ella here while you negotiate,” she said softly. Then she looked at the woman, her expression brightening. “I’ll make you cookies, dear. You’ll love them.”

Shade glanced sharply at his grandmother, but she was already on her way back to shoo Kodiak out of her kitchen.

His icy eyes met mine, his concern palpable.

“We approach them as a unit,” I said as Aflora finished drinking from Kolstov’s vein. Shade was last.

Then the five of us left with Aflora carrying her new staff and leading the way, her confident strides a new behavior that I hadn’t seen from her before.

It was a definite improvement.

And befitting of a queen.

My lips curled at the sight, and I realized all the others wore similar expressions.

Because they were all thinking the same thing as me.

She’s ready.