No.His auburn hair flickered like fire from the sunlight spilling in through the trees, the ash-tipped strands particularly bright. No, you’re no longer hiding at all. A hint of emotion touched his bronze irises. I can feel what you’ve sacrificed for us, Shadow.

My first instinct was to shove him out of my head, but I was too tired to try. If he wanted to play in my memories, I’d allow it.

They don’t understand what you’ve given up for us, but I do. As does Aflora.

I didn’t reply.

Because there really wasn’t much left to say.

We’re on the right path now,he whispered. Now come back inside.

He turned to lead the way with Zeph beside him.

Zakkai glanced up as I walked inside. He had his arm around Aflora’s chair, his thumb brushing her back through the cloak. She’d dropped her hood, but remained otherwise wrapped up in it.

Which reminded me of why we’d come here in the first place. “Tell us about this staff,” I told my grandmother. “Please.”