My grandmother released a small laugh. “It’s from a pig in the Human Realm.”

Aflora blanched. “A pig?”

“You remember that brown crap on the bloody noodles?” Kols asked conversationally, causing Aflora’s eyes to round.

“Ugh, yes. Don’t remind me.”

He chuckled, then shoveled a forkful of egg and bacon into his mouth with an “Mmm” sound.

She gagged and focused on her fruit salad again—a fruit salad that magically grew as Zeph discretely hummed a spell. Some of her disgust seemed to melt at the sight of her colorful berries, her gaze flicking up to him in clear gratitude.

He winked in response.

Then the rest of us ate in silence.

Ella was the only one who didn’t seem to share in any of our amusement, her expression melancholy as she forced herself to sip her shake.

My heart ached for her. “Have you seen or heard from Ajax?” I asked her softly.

Her blue eyes lifted to mine, the sadness in them making my stomach clench.

I swallowed. “What happened to Ajax?”

She shook her head, a tear falling down her cheek. “They… they separated all of us. He was in line behind me. In line to be…”

“Executed,” Aflora finished for her, magic seeming to swirl around her being. “I have to—”

“He’s safe,” my grandmother said, reaching for her hand. “Trust me.”

“Safe like Aflora’s parents were safe?” Zakkai asked. “Or safe like Aflora is now, safe?”

“Careful,” Grandfather Kodiak warned in a low growl.

Zakkai looked at him without an ounce of fear. “It’s a fair question, Kodiak.”

“Your uncle has him,” my grandmother said. “With Kyros.”

My shoulders sagged in relief. If Tadmir and Kyros had Ajax, then he was fine. Unless… “Does he know about Emelyn?”

“Yes.” My grandmother’s expression was sad. “That’s why Tadmir has him. He’s trying to calm him down.”

“Does he know about his parents yet?” Zakkai asked.

“His parents?” I repeated.

Aflora gasped, dropping her fork. “The two bodies under Anrika…”

Zakkai cast her an apologetic look. “Yes, little star.”

“Oh, Fae…”

My appetite dissolved, the food in my stomach beginning to turn restlessly inside me. Fuck. “I need a minute,” I said, pushing away from the table to step outside. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

Ajax’s parents had already been attacked once. Now they were dead? And Emelyn, too?

I felt Kols join me, his warmth a presence at my back. Why would Ajax care about Emelyn? he asked softly, his mind searching mine. I didn’t reply, but he found the answer he wanted lurking inside my mind. Ah. I see.

He leaned against the house, blowing out a breath. “Shit.”