Such an unnatural formation, and yet, it felt as though it belonged.

I allowed myself a final glimmer of admiration, then focused on my mates and our obstructed bonds. Zakkai had helped me ascend, as had Zeph. I’d sensed Kols as well, his bloodline thriving through my veins. And Shade, my forever dark shadow, had gifted me with his assurance that everything would be fine.

All of them were with me and yet not.

Because of Constantine.

You will not win,I told him. He couldn’t hear me. Or maybe he could. Or maybe all of this was just some sort of wicked nightmare.

Regardless, the sentiment remained.

He’d tried to kill my mate. And now he’d forced me into this ascension.

I’ll undo it. Then I’ll ensure you can never hurt anyone else ever again.

I had no idea how I’d achieve that, but I felt the assurance of my task deep within my roots. He would pay for his sins.

Inhaling slowly, I delved deeper into my bonds, searching for the magic that didn’t belong. I sensed it circling Kols, my link to his bloodline seeming to have provided Constantine the access he needed to weave his nefarious enchantments.

Zeph, too, I realized, tugging on that cord and finding an anchor in my Warrior Blood mate as well.

The strands linked back to Shade and Zakkai—from Kols. Because of their initial mate bonds that were established last night.

Constantine’s spell presented itself in intricate waves, the fiery ends fizzling with embers that made touching it dangerous. I peeled apart the layers with my mind, seeking the enchantment’s pattern, but he’d woven too many together to undo without risk.

I needed Zakkai.

Which meant I needed to figure out how to pass this trial.

I opened my eyes, the darkness around me having grown while I’d poked at my mate bonds. It was almost pitch black now, the weaving vines having formed a canopy of sorts over my head.

A chill swept down my spine. This definitely wasn’t a nightmare. But it wasn’t real either. I could sense the magical binds lining the horizon, the Dark Source serving as the designer of this course.

I knelt to touch the charcoal blades, my earth magic flickering to life as I absorbed the genetic makeup of the landscape and tried to manipulate it to my will. Flowers sprouted along the vines, dotting the world with color. Then the petals turned to ash in the next breath as the black magic killed my new life.

My heart ached at the loss, my breath catching in my throat.

I tried again, demanding the world shift to accept the core of my being. But it responded by strangling my energy in my next breath, denying me any form of light.

“Aflora.” Constantine’s familiar voice floated to me on the wind, causing my teeth to grind together in frustration.

He’d returned to watch my trial. Tulip-burning willow stump, I thought, standing to face him. I couldn’t see him, just hear him, his shadowed figure about ten feet away.

“Thank fuck,” he breathed, his dark form stepping closer. “Are you all right?”

I arched a brow. “Is that your version of a joke? Because you’ll have to try harder to provoke a laugh from me.”

The being stilled. “A joke? Why the bloody hell would I joke about this?”

“I’m not sure why you do a lot of things,” I admitted. “Like forcing an ascension on an Earth Fae Royal, for example.”

“You think I did this to you?”

“I know you did,” I retorted, placing my hands on my hips. “But I’m going to find a way to undo it. And I’m going to survive this trial, marking you as the future dead one.” Not that I would kill him. That would make me no better than him.

Earth Fae craved life.

And I would be an Earth Fae until my dying breath.