And we were about to embark on something that would change the landscape for all us.

Zakkai had yet to embrace her other mates, choosing to watch rather than play. Tonight, he opted to engage in the most intimate way imaginable—all to show Aflora that he could share in his own way.

If she’d said no and meant it, we wouldn’t do this to her. That wasn’t what we meant by this lesson and her not having a choice. We were telling her that we accepted the dynamic and that we would never allow her to choose between us. Instead, we would ensure she could always take us both.

Even if that meant a little pain with her pleasure.

Which she seemed to be enjoying now as her hips undulated against Zakkai.

He braced himself on one hand while his other continued to prepare her, his thumb circling her clit and stimulating her the way he should.

It was exactly what I would do.

Although, I’d probably have her take Kols first, then position myself behind her and prepare her that way so I could intimately feel our Elite Blood mate penetrate her with my fingers.

An activity for later.

This lesson was about Aflora indulging the two dominant males in her life.

And about us accepting each other.

Her teeth skimmed my dick in a taunting caress, her blue eyes flickering up to mine.

“Siren,” I whispered, brushing my knuckles across her teeth. “But I’m not coming down your throat, pixie flower.” I wrapped my palm around the back of her neck to force her to take me deeper while I spoke, my hips forcing her to take as much of me as her mouth allowed.

I waited a beat before withdrawing, smiling as her irises glistened with erotic need.

Her tongue licked my tip, kissing me in her own way, just as Zakkai confirmed her readiness with a look.

No words, just a knowing glint.

I released her nape and went to kneel on the bed behind her.

Zakkai didn’t lay back the way Kols would. He chose to remain seated, his gaze holding mine in a war for dominance as I found my position against Aflora.

His hand blocked my entry, his fingers still lodged deep inside her.

Then he slowly withdrew, but kept his cock inside her.

This would be undeniably intimate, an act neither of us likely ever intended to share together. Yet it was oddly appropriate given the circumstances.

His damp fingers went to the back of her neck, claiming her as he pulled her in for a kiss meant to distract her.

This would hurt at first.

And this was his way of saying he’d do his best to keep her preoccupied.

I reached around her to resume his ministrations with her sensitive nub, my thumb finding the swollen flesh with ease. She shuddered between us, another orgasm lurking on the horizon of her thoughts.

He’d properly stimulated her.

Now we were going to utterly annihilate her, blacken her senses and show her an ecstasy few had ever experienced.

I lined myself up with her entrance, my head touching Zakkai’s shaft.

Neither of them reacted, Aflora lost to his kiss.

But I knew he felt me.