And proceeded to paint the texture along his lower lip, his gaze on me the whole time.

Then he slowly leaned sideways, his attention shifting to the other man, and licked the paste from Kols’s lip before dipping his tongue inside to kiss him thoroughly.

My Elite Blood mate groaned in approval, his eyes falling closed as he lost himself in Zeph’s embrace, the two of them indulging in each other as much as the taste of the food.

Fire licked through my veins at the sight of them, my stomach tightening in expectation.

Then Kols took some of the paste with his own finger and drew a line down Zeph’s neck that he followed with his mouth, licking his skin clean in the process.

If you were shirtless, I would do this to your breasts, Kols whispered into my mind. Then I’d bite your rosy nipple and sink my teeth into your flesh to really taste you.

My thighs clenched in response.

Zeph created a zigzag pattern along Kols’s throat and used his opposite hand to begin unfastening my Elite Blood mate’s shirt. His mouth followed the path down, the buttons releasing ahead of his tongue until he reached the other man’s navel.

“Fuck,” Kols’s breathed, falling to the grass.

“So easy,” Zeph murmured, skimming his teeth along Kols’s lower abdomen to his hip. “Do you think Aflora would help me lick your cock clean if I decorated it with sweetness?”

Kols groaned, his eyes falling closed. “Don’t make promises you won’t keep.”

“I would never do that,” Zeph replied, his palm going to Kols’s groin.

“Liar,” Kols growled, arching into his Guardian’s hand.

Zeph chuckled. Then he popped open the button of Kols’s slacks and drew down the zipper.

No boxers.

Just bare skin.

My lips parted, my pulse skipping several beats.

Zeph bent to press a kiss to the growing arousal, then his smoldering green eyes met mine. “What do you want to do, pixie flower? Torture Kols?” He reached for more paste and traced an inviting line down the other man’s thickening length. “Or please him?”

He lowered his mouth to demonstrate, eliciting a sensual moan from Kols. Then he created another alluring red trail and invited me with his eyes to join him.

I promise you’ll like it, he whispered in my mind. And I’ll reward you for tasting it, too.

His gaze lowered to the apex between my thighs, his nostrils flaring with enticement.

He meant to reward me by licking me there. With the paste.

Dear Fae, I thought, swallowing thickly. How…devious. And so very Zeph.

His irises pulsed in response, his expression expectant. He knew I wouldn’t decline. Not with an offer like that.

But if I hated the taste, it would certainly spoil the mood.

Only one way to find out. I shivered, taking in Kols’s pulsating shaft and the promising gleam in Zeph’s green eyes.

Trust me, he murmured to me. You’ll enjoy every minute. And so will he.

I slid the plates to the side, leaving them near the discarded mug of spritemead. Then I crawled over to Kols.

His pupils dilated as he watched me, his muscles flexing along his torso as he clenched his fists at his sides. “Thank fuck,” he said, his tone thick with need.

I lowered my mouth to his abdomen, kissing him just below his belly button. Then I started downward with my tongue, tasting his skin along the way and reveling in his renewed life. A hint of sweetness taunted my nose as I inched closer to his groin, the paste boasting a subtle aroma that reminded me of hot cocoa—a decadent drink Elemental Fae enjoyed making with cinnamon and floral berry infusions.