You’re all mine to groom, I was telling them. Mine to strengthen. Mine to empower.

What wasn’t said—what they all knew—was that they were also mine to destroy.

Yet deep down they could sense my unwillingness to hurt them.

Which I proved by pushing life to the fiery birds that had fallen, demanding their wings flap once again.

Thatcame from the Dark Source, the ability to resurrect and revive life a Death Blood trait that I naturally understood with a spell from Shade’s mind. Or maybe it came from Zakkai. All my mates were so much a part of me that I could pick and choose enchantments at will, my Quandary Blood connection allowing me to write and rewrite incantations without much thought.

So perhaps it had been a combination of effort, coming from Shade and Zakkai both.

Regardless, it worked, the Fire Birds flapping their glowing wings as they took off for the sky once more. Zeph had dropped his shield, ensuring the beings weren’t harmed again. The other creature had been a stonepecker—the rare birdlike rodent known for absorbing and dismantling spells.

He took my enchantment now to bring himself back to full health, then scurried off to hide among the snake-vines.

The phoenix was last, the large bird standing so tall, I looked directly into his multicolored eyes as I slowly returned to my feet. He cocked his head, intrigue flourishing in his intelligent gaze.

We didn’t speak so much as communicate with our spirits, mine brushing his in astute praise of his beauty and prestige.

He responded by fluttering his stunning plumes, showing off in a masculine way that reminded me a bit of my mates. I bet you do that for all the pretty girls, hmm? I thought at him.

He preened in response, strutting along the ground and showing off his long, elegant stride.

Yeah, you know you’re pretty, I told him, lifting my hand. He stepped forward without fear, his assuredness born of being a profound predator known for dismantling his prey.

His feathery head met my palm, his stunning plumes soft and welcoming beneath my fingers. “Very beautiful,” I praised.

Clove clicked on my shoulder in agreement.

The Phoenix bowed in response, his beak brushing my stomach before he took a step back.

“Cocky fucking bird,” I heard Zeph mutter to Kols.

“If you’re envious of a Phoenix, then I suspect you and I are going to have issues later,” Zakkai drawled.

Zeph snorted in response.

Shade smothered a chuckle.

I merely smiled, tilting my head in a bow back to the Phoenix to show equal appreciation. He released a loud caw in response, drawing the attention of several creatures as he expanded his wings to take off into the sky.

A series of chitters followed, the charcoal crows following in his breezy wake.

And then an echo of stones moving followed.

I turned to see the gargoyles stepping through the gates with their weapons drawn in a battle stance. I frowned, confused for a moment until they all took a saluted position along the path, their arms raising high to create a wall of stone and sharp swords, all their edges pointed directly up to the sky.

“How long did it take you to pass that trial?” Zeph asked conversationally. “A week?”

“Nine days,” Kols replied. “Nine very long fucking days.”

“Hmm.” Zeph sounded amused.

“She had the Earth advantage,” Kols said, his tone light and his expression full of pride. “Using life to court life.” He nodded in approval. “Very effective, princess.”

Shade grinned. “Constantine is going to be pissed.” He glanced at Zakkai. “I hope Tadmir records his reaction.”

Zakkai didn’t seem to share his amusement, his expression serious as he analyzed the gargoyles and surrounding creatures. “We should go inside while we can. If Constantine realizes she passed this quickly, he’ll just engage the next trial.”

“Which is?” I prompted.

“A topic for once we’re through those gates,” Zakkai replied, pointing at the entry. “After you, My Queen.”