“Constantine attacked shortlyafter you fell unconscious,” I added. “Shade fucked off to who knows where, leaving Zakkai and I to uphold the paradigm alone for… I’m not actually sure how long.”

“Two hours and seventeen minutes,” Shade announced as he appeared. “I’ve been trying to get back inside, but Constantine had a mass of energy blocking all entries and exits.” He looked at Aflora. “I have no idea how you did that, little rose, but it’s mighty impressive.”

I was torn between punching him in the face for leaving and agreeing with him.

Considering he returned, and it probably was Constantine’s fault that he hadn’t been able to enter, I opted for the latter. “Very impressive,” I echoed, brushing my knuckles across her cheek.

Then I frowned. “Now why can’t I hear you?” I couldn’t hear Kols, either.

“Constantine did something to our bonds,” she said, her attention going to Zakkai.

A question formed over her lips, but the Quandary Blood said “Take what you need” before she had a chance to voice it.

He leaned down to press his forehead to hers, their mouths grazing in a light kiss that had me narrowing my eyes.

Kolstov and Shadow I could accept.

Zakkai was going to take time.

He’d taken my mate. Kept her from me—from us. Hidden her. But he’d also protected her. Which was the only reason I allowed him to remain in such an intimate position with Aflora.

She closed her eyes as energy pooled around her. Clove flew in from above to settle beside her in the destroyed remains of the bed, her wing brushing Aflora’s shoulder.

Zakkai’s wolf lingered in the former doorway while Raph slithered around my neck.

Then Kols’s familiar soared in to land beside Clove. I blinked at the crow’s ash-tipped black wings, the color rivaling the ends of the Elite Blood’s auburn hair. He glanced at Night and noticed the same thing, his fingers reaching out to stroke the discolored feathers.

They’d both been marked by death.

Shade’s icy gaze traced over Kols and Night as well, his expression holding a touch of wonderment. Then he flinched as magic swarmed around him. The same happened to me a half a second later, my mind suddenly paralyzed by Aflora’s enchantment.

Something snapped.



My heart ached for a solitary beat before emotion and thoughts came rushing through my mind and soul, Aflora’s affection and frustration and fear and relief a torrent of sensations that stole my breath.

I reached for her in the next breath, pulling her mouth away from Zakkai and up to mine, my gratitude at having her inside me again an oppressing wave that I couldn’t release. She returned my embrace with equal fervor.

“Good thing she was done,” Zakkai muttered.

I ignored him, my focus on my beautiful mate and the power rippling through her. My Queen, I thought reverently.

Not yet,she returned, her fingers threading through my hair. I… I don’t know if… She trailed off, her uncertainty winning over her other reactions.

“It’s all right,” I whispered against her mouth. “We’re going to figure this out.”

“I want to undo it,” she admitted just as softly. “There has to be a way to undo it.”

Kols’s opinions on that graced my psyche, but he didn’t voice them out loud. Not possible, he said first. And even if it is, is it the right recourse? I followed his analytical reveal, reveling in the ability to be so utterly close to him and his beliefs.

“Voice that out loud,” I suggested to him. “Tell Aflora.”

“Tell me what?” she asked, her focus on me and then the others. “I assume you’re talking to Kols?”

“He is,” Kols replied, flashing an irritated glance my way. “You being in my head is problematic.”