She angled her hips to take him inside her, a soft moan parting her full lips as he filled her to the hilt. Then she pulled her mouth from his and focused on me.

“Kols,” she whispered, begging me to come closer with her passion-filled gaze. She held out her hand for me as well, ensuring I understood what she wanted.

I drifted toward them in the water, my lips finding hers on impulse as I pressed my palm to her lower back to push her back into Shade. She gasped against me, his hips sliding up at the same time, filling her once more. The water made us all buoyant, creating a languorous rhythm between them.

Her lips left mine to travel down my neck where she nibbled my pulse.

Then I locked gazes with Shade, his irises smoldering as she rocked against him. His arousal touched our bond, his need an icy kiss to my senses.

I’d never really felt his desire.

He’d always hidden it from me before.

But I sensed it now, our bond wide open and accepting.

Aflora’s teeth sunk into my neck, drawing a surprised hiss from my chest. Then she swallowed my essence on a groan, her body seemingly possessed by dark magic.

She’s learning to embrace her Midnight Fae inclinations, I thought at Shade.

Yes, he agreed, his palm lifting to cup the back of her head. She’s finally realizing who she is.

Our queen.

Our queen, he echoed on a groan as she righted herself, my blood painting her lips.

He stared up at her through hooded eyes, his hunger spiking through our bond.

Then he pulled her down to lick my essence from her mouth, strengthening our connection to the next level.

It was impulsive.

Yet right.

And it sent a shockwave through my system.

“Take me to bed,” Aflora whispered against his mouth. “I want you both to take me to bed.”