Zephyrus cast a defensive spell that captured my awareness, the Warrior Blood proving incredibly capable in the moment. I memorized his enchantment and echoed it throughout the paradigm, bolstering it with a little Quandary Blood twist that would make it a bit more difficult to undo.

Shade added his own flavor of Death Magic, allowing the three of us to craft a unique shield that would hopefully buy us a little more time.

“I need to find somewhere for us to jump to,” Shade said quickly.

“Go,” I replied, power deepening my voice to a rumble.

Zephyrus sent up another enchantment that I immediately copied as Shade disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.

“He’d better come back,” Zephyrus said under his breath.

“He will.” If there was one thing I could count on Shade for, it was his protection of Aflora. “Keep bolstering the paradigm.”

Zephyrus grunted in response, but did exactly what I told him to.

Although, I doubted it had anything to do with my demand and everything to do with the unconscious pair on the bed.

They were the owners of his heart.

And so he did what a Warrior Blood was trained to do—guard.