Aflora satat the table in a robe, her dark hair falling in wet waves around her shoulders. She had a satisfied gleam to her features, her cheeks pink from the exhilaration of the shower.

Zeph had taken her from behind while I knelt and worshipped her clit. Then I’d fucked her up against the wall.

She’d taken it all, her mewls of pleasure a residual sound in my head as I twirled pasta around my fork.

Her blue eyes fell to my plate, her forehead scrunching. Bloody noodles and brown crap.

I chuckled, recalling our first meal together. “Spaghetti and meatballs,” I corrected her before taking a bite.

She grimaced and picked up her version of a sandwich.

Zeph had one on his plate, too. He seemed to be making a conscious effort to eat Elemental Fae cuisine with her. But I sensed his distaste of the soggy texture when he bit down.

I smirked. Then I took another mouthful of my favored Italian cuisine.

While the foods were similar to our first night together, the feelings around the table couldn’t be more different. Trust and content floated between us.

And it only strengthened when Shade and Zakkai returned.

Both of them kissed Aflora on top of her head, then rummaged through the fully stocked fridge for something to eat.

They both opted to join me in spaghetti, making Aflora’s nose scrunch upward.

Then Zeph distracted her with a plate of dragon steak, and she no longer seemed to care about anything other than the meat in front of her.

I shook my head, amused by her antics.

Food was clearly the way to her heart.

Zeph waved his wand to add a round of mugs to the table, all of them filled with spritemead. Aflora’s eyes sparkled with approval. Then she looked at me. “Now would be a good time for that ascension lesson.”

My lips twitched. During our first dinner, we’d discussed Midnight Fae order at a high level. And now she wanted to get to the heart of it by reviewing the trials.

“First, I want to know if Shade’s grandmother had anything interesting to say,” Zeph interjected, his sharp gaze on the Death Blood. “No more secrets, Shadow.”

Shade ran his fingers through his thick dark hair and relaxed into his chair. “I’m not Kols. I don’t do orders.”

I snorted. “If you think I accept all his demands, then you don’t know me at all.” In the bedroom, I indulged in a few of Zeph’s commands. But only because I regularly enjoyed the reward of appeasing his sadistic side.

“Shade,” Aflora interjected, her voice soft yet underlined with authority. “Please.”

His expression warmed at her words. “Anything for you, little rose.”

Zeph grunted.

I merely grinned and took a sip of the spritemead.

Shade offered a brief rundown of his discussion with his grandmother, focusing on the important bits. Which were mainly surrounding the trials and her urging for all of us to prepare. Advice we didn’t really need, but I understood Zen feeling the need to stress the importance of readying ourselves for the trials.

“We have to work as a unit,” Shade concluded. “That’s the gist of what she’s saying.” His focus shifted to a silent Zakkai. “Pretty sure that entire lecture was for your benefit.”

“I gathered that after the third sentence,” Zakkai replied flatly. His silver-blue eyes met mine. “But I think there was an underlying word of caution regarding certain trials, too.”

“Respect and unity,” I murmured, having inferred that from Shade’s summary of what Zen had said.

“Indeed.” Zakkai set his fork down. “Those will be the biggest challenges as Constantine is claiming the Source Architect redirected the power from you to Aflora. He also has everyone believing that I possessed Malik, which I did not.” He looked pointedly at all of us as he uttered that last bit.

“I know you didn’t,” I said, my instincts telling me that statement was needed. “I’ve only met my grandfather a handful of times, but it’s become quite apparent that he’s an excellent strategist.” It was a truth I couldn’t deny. “But together, we will outmaneuver him.” My attention drifted to Aflora beside me. “Which brings us to the ascension trials.”