
Several Years Later

“You realizeyou don’t have to accompany me every time I go to visit my grandmother, right?” I asked as a presence materialized behind me—an action that made me strongly regret bonding Zakkai because now he could shadow anywhere he wanted at will.

Which was great for protecting Aflora.

And horrible for my privacy.

“I’m aware,” he replied. “Just as I’m also aware that Lucifer will be there today, and I’m eager to check in on my pet project. You know the one from that meeting? The power exchange that I didn’t want to do but had no choice to do because you had already agreed to it on my behalf?”

I snorted, this incident one he loved to bring up despite it being several years old. “You would agree to anything where Aflora is concerned.”

“Yes, but that’s not the point, is it?”

I sighed. “I’ll never apologize.”

“I know.”

“And you’ll forever bring it up anyway.”

“I will.”

“Excellent,” I deadpanned, shadowing to my grandmother’s front door.

Zakkai appeared beside me, humored by my annoyance. Because he was a dick who enjoyed provoking me.

Pretty sure that was why we’d bonded too, just so he could have more thorough access to my thoughts and ample opportunity to piss me the fuck off.

Aflora also likes watching us together,he added via our link. And I like making her happy.

Couldn’t fault him for that logic.

I lifted my hand to knock, only for the door to open. My grandmother stood on the other side with cookies, which elicited another sigh from me. More bad news.

What food does she make when it’s good news? Zakkai wondered.

Not cookies.

Ah.He stepped inside and took a chocolate chip cookie, then proceeded to inspect it for magic with his mind.

If she wanted to poison you, she wouldn’t use cookies.

You say that, he drawled. But Zenaida is quite clever.

Which means she knows you’re inspecting her cookies and would ensure you couldn’t feel or find whatever she’s hidden, I pointed out, ignoring the platter of treats and hugging her instead. “Hi, G’ma,” I whispered against her ear before kissing her cheek. “I’ve missed you.”

“I know. I’ve missed you, too,” she replied, leading us to the table. “But Ajax keeps me on my toes.”

“It’s true,” the male in question agreed as he appeared in the middle of the living room. He’d been living in the Hell Fae Realm with my grandmother, helping her maintain the paradigm. My grandfathers were here, too. But my old friend had become her pupil of sorts, training to become whatever it was Lucifer had in mind.

Ajax wandered over to the table and sat down, his tall, muscular form flexing with the movement. Zakkai studied him, his calculative nature taking over.

“Hmm,” he hummed. “Your magic is finally settling.”

Ajax grunted. “Just in time, too.”

“For what?” Zakkai pressed.