I watchedAflora take Kols deep into her mouth, my little garden siren coming alive as she drank down his climax and urged him to give her more with her tongue.

She was stunning.


Alluring as fuck.

I was so damn hard, my balls aching in protest at wanting to be inside her. But this was about bonding. She’d already taken Shade… twice. Now she’d finished with Kols, leaving me and Zakkai naked on either side of her.

We’d never all played at once, but something about the uniting of Earth had required it.

Aflora had beckoned us into her garden, her canopy of flowers growing to create a pretty little shelter to hide our afternoon fuck fest.

Shade was off to the side, watching from beneath heavy lids.

Kols crawled over to him and they started making out, which only seemed to make my cock harder and Aflora needier.

She was three orgasms in, two from Shade, and one from my mouth.

But the Earth Fae bonds required more.

Elemental Fae were famous for their insatiable need, particularly with their mates. And we were all fourth-level bonded now, which explained her growing desire for more.

She wrapped her palm around my neck, pulling me to her as she went to her knees, and forced me to accept her kiss. Gone was my obedient little Earth Fae, and in her place, a hungry vixen who took what she wanted. I knelt with her, aligning our thighs and pressing my cock into her lower abdomen.

Zakkai moved in behind her, his tongue traveling down her spine as his hand disappeared between her spread legs.

I knew what he intended because I felt it through the roots in my mind—he intended to take her from behind while I went in the front.

I hadn’t intended to make sharing Aflora with him a regular occurrence, but I wasn’t going to complain. The man packed a hell of a lot of power. If he wanted to fuck her with me, then I’d be a fool to say no.

She moaned against my tongue, liking what he did below.

I reached up to palm her breast, her nipple tight and needy against my skin. She threaded her fingers through my hair to guide me down, needing my lips against her tender skin.

Fuck, Kols whispered in my head, drawing my attention to him.

Shade had kissed a path down the other man’s body to suck him in the same way Aflora had only moments ago, and from the pleasure in her features now, she very much approved of the show.

I distracted her by skimming my teeth against her tit and capturing her rosy peak. She shuddered, then moaned as Zakkai entered her pussy, filling her to the hilt without warning. Then she groaned in annoyance when he pulled out.

I met his gaze, saw the certainty in his features that she was ready for us both, and watched as he slid into her ass.

She grabbed my shoulders to steady herself for his intrusion, her eyes flaring wide with lust and excitement.

It was the look of a woman ready to be shared.

I caught her mouth and grinned as Kols cursed again, Shade proving to be quite skilled with his tongue.

Something I might have to indulge in some day.

But for now, I wanted Aflora’s slick heat and tight channel.

I moved into her, securing her between me and Zakkai, Then I lifted her leg up to wrap around my hips, leaving her to balance on one knee. She didn’t protest, her body already angling toward me in preparation of my entry.

Rather than deny her, I slid home in a single thrust, filling her to completion and feeling Zakkai’s throbbing shaft through the thin wall inside her.

So hot, I thought, groaning into her mind. You’re so fucking hot.