But my eyes were on Aflora, on the way she held her head high despite the heartbreak radiating from her eyes. “He’s right. It’s his room, his suite, his world. What an amazing king you’ll be someday, Prince Kolstov. Now, if you wouldn’t mind releasing me, I would very much like to take a shower. Assuming I still have a working bathroom that I’m allowed to use.”

“Fuck, Aflora. I—”

“You can use mine,” Ella cut in, her expression radiating murder. “Let her go, asshole, or I’ll make you let her go.”

“I suggest you listen to my mate,” Tray added, his features as cold as ice.

Kols considered the room before grumbling out a curse and releasing Aflora’s arm. “We need to talk,” he told her. “Have a shower and get dressed. We’ll talk on our way to Defense Without Magic class.”

“And what’s she supposed to wear?” Ella asked, arching a light blonde brow. “You destroyed all her clothes.”

Aflora flinched.

Kols ground his teeth together in annoyance. “I’ll buy her new ones.”

“Damn right you will,” Ella agreed. “Today. But I’m taking her shopping, not you.”

“She has class,” Kols argued, his golden irises flaring with power. “And she can’t leave the Academy without supervision.”

“Then I’ll be her ‘babysitter.’?” Ella was not backing down, and I sort of loved her for it. Aflora needed a strong friend, one capable of keeping up with her own feisty side. It seemed this little pixie of a female was the perfect partner for her.

“She almost killed you in an academic setting, Isabella,” Kols reminded her in a harsh tone. “You’re not suitable to guard her.”

“God, she’s not a monster, Kolstov! She doesn’t need to be watched twenty-four seven.”

“I’m also standing right here, and I’m capable of making my own decisions,” Aflora interjected, silencing the room. “I need clothes. If Prince Kolstov doesn’t trust me to purchase them by myself, then he can supervise. I’m not afraid. I’m not a damsel. I’m not a threat. But I am tired of this debate. I want to take a shower. And I would really like to eat something at some point, assuming I’m still allowed to eat Prince Kolstov’s food.”

She issued him a challenging glare with that last comment, and his jaw clenched.

At this point, the guy was going to grind all his teeth into dust by midnight.

“I can make you breakfast while you take a shower,” Zeph said.

Aflora looked at him, her blue eyes flaring with power. “The last time I accepted a gift from you, it paralyzed my powers and I ended up in a dungeon. So, no, thank you. I would rather eat a burning thwomp.”

He scoffed. “That’s just childish, Aflora.”

“You say that like your opinion matters to me.” She cocked her head. “It doesn’t.” She dismissed him in favor of Ella. “May I please use your bathroom?”

“Yep. And you can borrow some of my clothes, too. Then we’ll go shopping and have brunch somewhere.”


“I’ll go with them,” Tray said, cutting off his brother’s likely complaint about Aflora leaving the Academy without a guard.

“Have you all forgotten that you have class today?” Zeph asked, his tone holding an edge to it. “My class.”

“Oh, I haven’t forgotten,” Ella quipped, her lips curling. “Consider this our notice that we’re taking a free day.”

He folded his thick arms over his crisp white button-down shirt. “You can’t just take a free day.”

“Stop. Just stop.” Tray looked between Kols and Zeph, his black eyes simmering with fire. “I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into the two of you, but figure it out and fix it. This bullying bullshit isn’t you.” He refocused on Aflora. “Come on. I’ll show you that not all of us are assholes around here.”

She gave him a nod, took a step, and then paused before glancing back at me. “Thank you for today,” she said softly.

“Anytime,” I told her, meaning it. “Actions prove integrity, right?” It was my way of letting her know my offer still stood. All she needed to do was ask, and I’d whisk her back to that field in a heartbeat.

She studied me for a long moment, her gaze filled with distrust. But she nodded in understanding.