“You really do hate her,” I mused, cocking my head. “But I still haven’t figured out why.” Not exactly true. I suspected jealousy played a large factor in her treatment of her stepsister. Ella embodied beauty in a way Ryan never would. And not just because this bitch possessed a black heart.

She flipped her brown hair over her shoulder and shrugged. “She

’s an easy target.”

“Is she?” I wondered out loud, shifting my focus to the female in question. “She’s been one of my biggest challenges to date.” And I meant that.

I also heard that, Ella replied into my mind.

I smothered a grin with my hand and arched a brow at Ryan. “Are we—”

“Oh my god!” Carmen jumped in between us, her back to me. “You need to see this.”

“I’m in the middle of a conversation,” Ryan snapped, gesturing at me over her twin’s shoulder.

Carmen grabbed Ryan’s hand, tugging her away while saying, “He can wait.”

“I won’t be waiting,” I called after them, deciding we needed a crueler fate for Carmen. Ella and I had discussed something slightly more temporary for her, mostly because Ryan was the bigger culprit. Ella thought Carmen might be a different person without the influence of her twin, but I disagreed.

Both of those females deserved a lifetime of purgatory for their treatment of others.

I took two more steps, when a chorus of gasps went up around me.

Ah… It’s time, I thought. That was what had Carmen’s attention. Of course.

Ella stood to greet me as I made my way toward her, both of us ignoring the rising chatter throughout the room. Because we already knew.

Her gaze glittered with excitement. I think phase two is going to be a resounding success.

I brushed my mouth over hers, grinning. Me, too.

Charlie’s name echoed throughout the room, and the male in question stood frozen beside a gaping Dash.

Somewhere, the news played loudly from someone’s phone, announcing Anderson Motors’ recent legal troubles and impending financial doom.

“Those automotive companies really should focus on safety,” I put in conversationally.

Ella bit her lip to keep from giggling, her approval warming our bond.

It wasn’t like I deliberately sabotaged Anderson Motors. They already had the problems. I just made them a little easier for the appropriate authorities to find.

And they acted swiftly and efficiently.

Whispers flooded the room as Charlie made his way through it—alone. Dash watched him, his expression torn between loyalty to his friend and loyalty to himself.

In the end, he chose himself.

As I suspected he would.

Anderson Motors wouldn’t be recovering anytime soon, if ever. Meaning Charlie was about to go through a very humbling experience, one that would probably take him out of school or relocate him to somewhere more financially suitable.

Or maybe they’d allow him to stay to finish the year. I really hoped so because his life at Darlington Academy—a place that notably cared more about status than its students—was about to change drastically.

As Dash demonstrated now by returning to his table instead of chasing after his supposed friend.

One down, three to go, Ella murmured.

I kissed her temple and wrapped my arms around her. On to the next phase, I agreed.