“Tomorrow we start by taking the school,” she said, finishing our discussion, excitement pouring off her in waves. “And I know just how we’ll kick-start the takedown.”

Chapter Twenty


Ella’s plan to show up at the academy the following morning in Ryan’s car was brilliant.

Everyone stood gaping.

And not just because of the brand-new fitted uniform Ella sported as we walked hand in hand toward the entrance.

It was her entire attitude that captured their attention. And obviously Ryan’s sporty little car with the jagged scratch down the side.

Ella’s bracelet touched my wrist, sending a zap up my arm. I’d gifted her the silver cuff this morning, the magic-laced metal meant to help temper her abilities. Just so she didn’t accidentally burn the school down.

Not that I’d begrudge her for such an act.

This place deserved to melt into a pile of ash.

As well as the majority of the humans inside it.

But I wanted to give Ella time to foster her talents and learn how to control them, and the beauty on her wrist would help.

The twin bitchlets stood waiting at the front doors, their fuming expressions highly amusing.

An amusement Ella only heightened when she casually tossed Ryan the car keys. “Thanks for the ride, sis.”

I draped my arm over her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “Thank you for the ride,” I whispered in her ear, eliciting a giggle from my mate. She knew exactly what I meant.

“You’re so dead,” Ryan warned, steam practically billowing from her ears.

Ella and I ignored her, my shoulder bumping Carmen’s as we pushed through the doorway and into the school.

Several students gawked at the showdown, their shock palpable.

Sheep, Ella thought at them, her mental tone one of annoyance.

They just need a new leader, I told her.

That’s not going to be me.

No, I imagine you have no desire to manage these fools. They’d all stood by for years and observed her humiliation. She owed them nothing.

We stopped at our lockers to pick up our books and made our way to the English classroom while everyone watched.

They really were pathetic humans. Even the so-called adults of the academy were pitiful. No backbones, all driven by class and greed.

I sat beside Ella rather than in front of her, my arm sprawled across the back of her chair. After a long conversation last night, we decided to bump up our timeline. There was something bitterly poetic about our new and improved plan. It would require me to say a few things I’d hate, but our blossoming link would keep our minds open and honest.

You could profess undying love to Ryan, and I’d know you’re full of shit, Ella murmured, having heard my thoughts.

I snorted. You wouldn’t need to be able to read my mind to know that.

Her lips quirked up. True.

Charlie sauntered into the room, his steps faltering as he caught sight of me beside Ella. My lips curled. Oh, look, Ella sweetheart. Phase two is about to begin.

No. It already started. Her gaze positively glittered. Ready to have some fun?