More groaning from the class.

Tray, however, grinned. “Brilliant. Are we to choose our partners?”

Man, this guy didn’t know when to quit. He’d be in detention by the end of the day if he kept up this pace.

I shook my head just as our professor declared, “No, I’ll be choosing. And since Ms. Cinder seems to disapprove of this assignment, I’ll be pairing you with her.” She gave me a look that had me rolling my eyes.

That wasn’t at all why she’d paired me with him.

She paired us because she knew I wouldn’t let him cheat.

Rude. Looked like I needed to reevaluate my Favorite Teacher Award.

Montgomery began assigning everyone else partners for the project, the class growing reluctantly quiet. “You can all thank Mr. Nacht for giving me the idea,” she added at the end, essentially hammering a nail into his social-status coffin.

Of course, he merely appeared amused by it all, his full lips tilted upward in a cocky grin. “You’re welcome,” he said.

Charlie cut him a glare.

Several others followed suit.

Hmm, maybe Trayton Nacht wouldn’t be inducted into the royalty circle by the end of the week. Especially if he continued to piss everyone off.

Trina raised her hand from the front row, her perfect hair matching her perfectly pressed uniform. Professor Montgomery arched a brow, her signature way of calling upon a student. “Can we have the rest of today’s class to work on our assignment?” she asked. “With this being Homecoming week, most of us are involved in mandatory activities after school. And the squad has extra practices as well.”

“Not to mention football practice,” Charlie drawled.

Ah, yes, the extracurriculars were always more important than the academics.

Which was exactly why Montgomery paused to consider the request.

“I will extend the assignment’s due date to next Friday,” she decided. “That should account for this week’s plans, yes?”

Tray actually appeared surprised.

The rest of the class looked relieved.

“But the assignment is to be completed outside of school. I expect thorough interviews and a truthful biography as a result.” She looked pointedly at the students who typically faked their way through this course. “No writing

each other’s essays. I’ll know.”

That would be the easy way out.

But I knew better than to try Montgomery’s patience.

“In fact, I want at least two hours of logged time for the interviews, with thorough notes and visual proof that you met. That shouldn’t be too hard for those of you who adore your camera phones.” Her focus fell on Trina.

The blonde bundle of perfection simpered. “Of course, Professor Montgomery. That won’t be a problem for most of us.” She glanced at me with those words.

“I’ll be fine,” I drawled. “But thanks for your concern, Princess Perfect.”

“Poor new kid has to deal with the leaf lover,” Charlie added. “Sorry, buddy. I hope she at least showers before your interview date.”

“That’s enough, Mr. Anderson,” Professor Montgomery snapped. She was the only one in this whole school who ever sort of stood up for me. It made me love her and despise her at the same time.

I didn’t need a savior. I saved myself every damn day, thank you very much.

She dove into today’s lecture with a flourish, not wanting to waste another second. Which she knew would happen if she allowed me to speak up for myself. I had no problem putting Charlie Anderson in his place.