“Lick it off yourself, jackass.” I lifted my knee, hoping to connect with his groin, only to have my limb tangled in the tulle of my skirt. Damn ball gown!

He rubbed his face against mine while Charlie gripped my hips, holding me still. I gagged in response to both the erection pressing into my backside and the slimy substance spreading across my cheek.

Ugh, and as usual, no one came to my defense.

People just watched because this entire academy housed a flock of rich sheep.

And the teachers were fuck knew where.

I only had myself to rely on, as always.

Being manhandled by two guys. Oh, but they were the princes of the school, captains of their respective sports teams, so obviously no one could do a damn thing about them. No. Not Charlie Anderson or Dash Charming.

Flames practically licked my veins, heating my skin to a boiling point as I fought in earnest to release their holds.

Which only made them laugh.

They loved when I struggled.

“Release me,” I demanded.

“Oh, come on, Cindersoot. You wore this dress to impress us, and it worked. Deal with it.” Dash was the picture of calm arrogance, his lips curling into a devious grin. “Tell us what you’re wearing beneath. Something lacy and blue, just like this gown?”

“Mmm, or maybe nothing at all,” Charlie suggested, his lips far too close to my ear as he ground his arousal into my ass.

“Enough,” I snapped, trying and failing to twist out from between them. They had me well and truly trapped. My heart leapt into my throat. At least we’re not alone, I tried to tell myself. Yeah, like anyone else is going to care or help.

I had to play this smart.

Give them what they wanted and lull them into a sense of comfort until I could escape.

That was the—

“Get your hands off my date,” a cool voice demanded from a few steps away.

Oh, good. He wanted to pretend to be a knight. As if I would ever fall for that. “Fuck off, Tray,” I told him, furious at everyone and everything. “Go back to your new queen.”

With Dash continuing to hold my chin, I couldn’t see Tray’s facial reaction, but I heard the laugh that fell from his lips. “I see you’ve riled her up,” he said conversationally.

“It’s so easy to do,” Charlie replied, pressing his nose into my hair. “Do we have you to thank for her improved conditions?”

“I may have hired a team of makeup artists and a hairstylist,” he admitted, holding out his hand. “Come here, Ella.”

I wouldn’t acknowledge that even if I could.

“We’re not done playing with her yet.” Dash tilted his head, his eyes holding mine. “She seems to think she has the right to refuse me.”

“When she’s my date to a dance, I’d agree that she most certainly does have that right,” Tray countered, an edge entering his tone. “Release my date, Charming. You had your fun with her. It’s my turn now.”

“On the contrary, I think you’re done and it’s time to leave her with the professionals.” Dash slammed his mouth into mine, his tongue shoving between my lips before I had a chance to even process his movements.

My teeth clamped down in protest, my body freezing.

A completely opposite reaction to Tray’s kiss, something I’d evaluate later.

But Dash? I wanted him off me. Right. Fucking. Now.

I planted my palms against his chest and shoved as hard as I could, but his muscular form didn’t budge an inch.