Except the last time I attended one, I’d run off in tears after having my heart shattered in front of my entire class.

At least that hadn’t happened here. That would have caused me to walk right back to the limo and demand Tray take me home.

But I could handle this.

Just breathe. Figure out what he’s up to. And leave.

Those three orders repeated in my thoughts as we navigated the long hallway toward the thudding bass. There weren’t a lot of decorations, mostly because the palace itself was already adorned in bronze and golds that boasted wealth and elegance in every corner. Even the marble floor appeared polished and rich. Floral arrangements mingled with low lighting, providing a romantic atmosphere that didn’t quite match the modern music playing beyond.

Tray paused on the threshold of a platform at the end of the corridor, his gaze capturing mine. “Are you ready?”

The last time I stood in a position like this, it was only minutes before my inevitable humiliation. Hopefully, Tray would follow suit and show his true colors sooner rather than later. I was ready to get this over with and couldn’t wait to put him right back in his place with my nonchalant reaction.

I refused to buy this whole helpful routine. Tray was definitely hiding something. Just like everyone else in this city.

“Ella?” He cupped my cheek, drawing me from my thoughts. “If you don’t want to do this, we—”

“I’m fine,” I cut in,

forcing a tight smile. “Let’s get this over with.”

He chuckled and shook his head. “What every man wants to hear on a date.”

“This isn’t a date, Tray. It’s a forced social experiment.”

His laughter died as he stepped into my personal space—something he seemed to enjoy doing—and walked me backward into a wall. He settled his palms on either side of my head, effectively caging me. “You’re right,” he murmured, lowering his face until his lips were scant inches from mine. “This is just an introduction.”

His mouth nearly brushed mine, only to skim my cheek as I turned my head at the last possible second. I felt his grin against my skin.

“Mmm, I like the way you play,” he whispered, his nose trailing along my jaw to my neck. The light touch drew goose bumps to the surface, eliciting a quiver from deep within. It was a direct contrast to the heat licking a path up my spine and settling in my chest.

“I’m not playing,” I replied, my voice hoarse to my ears.

He chuckled against my throat, his breath awakening a flutter of butterflies in my lower abdomen.

What is it with this guy? I wondered, pressing back into the wall and striving for distance. Charlie and Dash had done things like this to me before, but not quite. With them, I just wanted to shove them away. With Tray… some twisted part of me wanted to grab him. To touch him in return. To arch into him rather than cower against the surface behind me.

His teeth skimmed my pulse, causing my heart to skip a beat.

My fingers curled into my palm. “Tray…” I didn’t know what I wanted to say, couldn’t think beyond the way his body felt pressing into mine.




I swallowed, my eyes drifting closed. This wasn’t supposed to happen. No, this couldn’t happen. I needed to wake the heck up, to push him away just like I did with Dash and Charlie. Trayton Nacht was not into me. This—

“Ella,” he whispered, his tongue tracing the column of my neck up to my ear and dismantling my focus once more.

I’m so screwed.

“This might not be a real date, but there’s something between us,” he continued, nipping my earlobe and stealing my ability to speak. Not that I would know how to reply to him. “We’re going to walk down those stairs so everyone can see the princess beneath the façade. And by the time we’re done with these miscreants, they’ll all bow at your feet.”

He palmed my cheek to guide my gaze up to his, that alluring mouth of his far too close to my own. “Are you ready?” he asked.

I couldn’t seem to breathe properly, so I just nodded. We needed to get this over with so I could go home. Quickly.