I’d drown all their asses in a race soon. It drove Charlie crazy that he couldn’t catch me. Dash, however, frequently tied me. So how would Mr. Nacht do? He certainly had the body of a swimmer, with his broad shoulders, tapered waist, and long legs. A freestyler’s build, if my swimmer’s eye was right.

Hmm. This might get interesting because Dash also favored short-distance freestyle events.

“I see you finally took a shower, Cindersoot,” Charlie drawled as the trio approached.

My lips curled as I slid my goggles over my eyes. “And I see you found yourself a new boyfriend, Chuckie. That’s sweet.” I blew them both a kiss and dove into the water before anyone could retaliate. Looked like I was starting my warm-up early, and from the splashes behind me, so were the guys.


They would be delayed by their own caps and goggles, giving me the chance to get a head start in the fifty-meter pool. Of course, on the way back, I’d have a problem. Maybe I’d hop out of the water and walk around.


A hand gripped my ankle, yanking me backward into a hard body.

I squealed, my momentum no longer heading in the direction I desired.

Shit! I latched onto a pair of masculine shoulders, the water too deep for me to stand. This wasn’t good. I needed to fight, to scratch my offender and get the hell out of Dodge.

Only, he didn’t even flinch as my nails dug into his skin, instead grasping my hips and pulling me flush against him. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispered against my ear.

I blinked, startled. “Tray?”

“Trust me,” he breathed, his lips brushing my cheek just like they did earlier.

My eyebrows drew down. “I don’t even know you.”

“You’re about to,” he replied as the water around us shifted.

Dash reached us first, his triumphant gaze making my stomach twist. But it was Charlie’s arrival and his vengeful glower that had me sweating, even in the water.

Three males, little old me, and a bunch of student spectators.

This could not end well.

Where’s Grayson? I wondered, my eyes dancing around the pool for the swim coach. He usually drew up sets on the board for practice. Of course, he was nowhere to be seen. Meaning I had absolutely no backup here.

Tray’s thumb brushed my hip bone, sending a shiver up my spine. Did he have to hold me so close? I could actually feel him through our swimsuits, his growing interest a brand against my lower belly. Not good. Not good at all.

And what business did he have being attracted to me?

“I see you caught a dead fish,” Charlie said, his tone chilling the air.

“Oh, I don’t know about dead,” Tray mused, his grip tightening. “Feels pretty lively to me.”

“Let me go,” I demanded, my fingers clutching his upper arms.

“Nah, I like you right where you are, Isabella.”

“Isabella?” I repeated. “No one calls—” I choked on a mouthful of water as he harshly jerked me under the surface, his palms cement blocks against my sides.

Male chuckles reverberated above, the sound distant to my ears. I clawed at Tray’s stomach, demanding my release, but the jackass didn’t even budge.

My legs scissored, creating a whirlpool beneath us as I fought for leverage.

