“Just take a deep breath,” he urged her. “You’ve come this far. Don’t stop believing now. I’d never set you up for a fall.” He winked at her, watching as she bucked up and strode forward with energy and confidence.

Lord, please lift Cassidy up in this moment. Let her use her special gift to help heal this community. Please allow her to shine as bright as the sun.

Tate pulled back the tent flap and ushered Cassidy inside. He turned toward her, watching her face intently to gauge her reaction. Her mouth swung open and she let out a gasp of surprise. The tent was filled to capacity with children. Children of all ages—toddlers, middle schoolers, tweens—were sitting at tables eating chocolate chip cookies and smores.

Doc Sampson had volunteered to cook on the grill for all the kids taking part in the program, serving a menu of cheeseburgers, hot dogs and fries. With the help of his granddaughter Robin and his staff, he was just now clearing the tables and cleaning up from dinner.

With a stunned expression, Cassidy turned to him, her eyes wide and shocked. “Can you believe this?” she asked Tate. “I never imagined there’d be so many of them.” Her eyes once again swept the room and he knew she was letting it all soak in.

This was redemption, Tate thought. Having the town turn out for the community gathering was one thing. But to have all the children eagerly lined up and waiting for her—it was quite another. To have the townsfolk entrust their children to her care was such a leap of faith. He watched Cassidy’s face light up, saw the joy shining in her eyes and the heartfelt emotion on her countenance.

She clapped her hands together and let out a loud whistle, immediately capturing the attention of the kids. “Are you guys ready to get dirty?” she shouted. “Because I know I am!”

A dull roar went up, and she playfully covered her ears. The kids were standing up from their benches now and jumping up and down with excitement. Volunteers began handing out smocks, canvases and paintbrushes.

“Okay, everyone. Let’s make some excitement,” Cassidy said as she began placing paints on each table. She would stop for a few minutes at every table, giving instructions, lending a critical eye or simply watching the kids paint. The kids ate up the attention. Every now and again he would hear one of them cry out, “Miss Cassidy. Look at my painting!” or “Miss Cassidy. I need you.”

She was great with kids. Patient. Kind. Loving. She radiated enthusiasm. It made him think of what it would be like to raise a house full of children with her. To wake up on a Saturday morning and make pancakes with Cassidy while their kids finger-painted in the backyard. Teaching their children to ride out at the ranch while Cassidy watched nearby. The images he conjured up seemed so real it made him ache inside. He could picture it all so vividly. A future with Cassidy. Marriage. The white picket fence. The whole nine yards.

But hadn’t he told himself hundreds of times that he had no future with her? Hadn’t all that crashed and burned years ago? He was no longer so sure of that, no longer certain that he could deny the feelings he’d suppressed for all this time. But what chance did they have when in a little over a month she’d be walking out of his life again?

Instead of heading back to the festivities, he found himself rooted to the spot, unable to take his eyes off Cassidy as she painted with the kids. By the time she made her way back to where he was standing he was ready to burst.

He raised his arm in a sweeping gesture. “You really do have a way with kids. You’re amazing.” His eyes swept over her—the tousled hair, the paint-spattered shirt, the joyful look on her face. The way she whirled around the room—brushing here, dabbing there, showering the kids with praise—she was like a force of nature.

Cassidy looked back at him, her face radiating warmth and happiness. She looked at ease, not only with herself but with her place in the community. She fit in so effortlessly to the fabric of West Falls. She belonged here. If only he could convince her to stay.

“It feels so natural. They’re all so talented and creative,” she raved. “They’re like little sponges, ready to absorb everything I’m teaching them.” Her face was flushed with color, her eyes flashing like emeralds. He’d never seen her look so alive.

“You’re really talented, Cass. The way your brush flew over the canvas, creating something so powerful out of nothing. It gave me chills.”

Her face lit up with pleasure. “Thanks. I never get tired of hearing that. I feel so blessed to be able to do what I love to do.”

“I mean, you were always a great artist, but now...it kind of takes my breath away.”

It was that simple. And that nerve-racking.

Tonight wouldn’t have been the same without her. Her planning and creativity had pulled it all together. With her oversized heart and her desire to help out, she’d shown how invested she was in Main Street Church. And in doing so, she’d cemented a place for herself within the West Falls community. Ever since the accident people hadn’t been able to think of Cassidy without thinking of that evening. Tonight had changed all that.

* * *

Creating artwork with the children of West Falls was a dream come true. Just when she’d thought the evening couldn’t get any better, she’d ended up on cleanup duty with Regina and Holly. It was a wonder they even got anything done with all the laughing, joking and traipsing down memory lane. Regina had them both in stitches with her impression of their gym teacher, while Holly reminded them all of their celebrity crushes.

“Do you remember a certain actor’s photo you had taped in your locker?” she asked, looking pointedly at Cassidy.

Regina almost choked on her laughter. “She even had his poster on her bedroom ceiling so he would be the last thing she saw before she went to bed at night.”

“Remember that pink notebook with the hearts?” Holly asked. “She used to write his name over and over again in indelible ink.” She let out a snort of laughter.

“Stop laughing! It was a very serious relationship. I was going to marry him and become the wife of a very famous Hollywood actor.” Cassidy stuck her tongue out in their direction.

Holly and Regina started singing the theme song to his television show, their voices off-key and cracking.

Cassidy couldn’t keep a straight face. She burst out into giggles. It was strange, she thought, how easily they’d slipped back into the familiar rhythms of their friendship. Already they were finishing each other’s sentences and making plans for a girls’ night out. Their camaraderie made her feel wistful about not living in West Falls. It made her wonder how different her life might be if she moved back home.

She gathered up a bag of trash and walked it over to the Dumpster. Maggie was standing there in the shadows, gazing in the direction of where she’d been cleaning up with Holly and Regina. Cassidy tensed up, bracing herself for an unpleasant encounter.

“Watching the three of you took me back aways,” Maggie said softly. “All you need is Jenna to make it complete.”