Regina nodded her head. “Yeah. Incredible, isn’t it? She went on some weight loss program and lost sixty pounds.”

“She looks great,” Cassidy acknowledged. “Wow. I would never have recognized her.”

“She and Tate dated for two years,” Regina said matter-of-factly.

Cassidy felt as if her heart was being squeezed inside her chest. Two years? Tate had dated that sweet, gorgeous woman for two years? She could feel her face dropping, but despite her best efforts she couldn’t hide her dismay. It wasn’t as if she’d expected Tate to never date again, but hearing that he’d been in a long-term relationship with Kit was like pouring acid in a wound.

“What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?” Regina asked, her brown eyes nearly bulging out of her head.

“Two years is a long time.” Cassidy’s mind began to swirl with random images. Tate horseback riding on his ranch with Kit and spending lazy afternoons at the swimming hole with her. Tate placing soft, tender kisses at the nape of Kit’s neck. She closed her eyes tightly, willing the painful images to disappear.

“Cassidy, you and Tate have been over for a long time.” Regina looked at her curiously. “Unless...are you and Tate back together?” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Are you still in love with him?”

“No, we’re not back together, Regina. We’ve been spending time together here and there—”

“And? Get to the good stuff!” Regina was leaning forward in the booth, her eyes wide with excitement. “C’mon, Cassidy.” She let out a tortured groan. “I have no love life of my own. Please let me live vicariously through you, if only for a few minutes.”

“And nothing. We’ve reestablished our friendship. He’s been really kind to me, considering everything that’s happened in the past.”

Regina’s jaw dropped. “Friendship? After everything the two of you shared you expect me to believe that you’re just friends?”

Cassidy sighed, knowing Regina might never understand where she was coming from. Her relationship with Tate was filled with complexities. “Before I came back to West Falls he was nothing more than a memory, something I tried to stuff down because it hurt too much to face it. Sometimes I thought about the past and about being engaged to him, but I never really thought about him. It made it easier to leave it all behind.” She let out a soft chuckle. “I’d forgotten how wonderful he is, Regina. He makes me laugh. And he’s so generous. Even though he’s still hurt about my ending our engagement, he still shows me kindness. Isn’t that what a friend would do?” Cassidy bowed her head as sadness threatened to overwhelm her. “But he doesn’t trust me yet, maybe he never will. I burned a lot of bridges with him when I left town.”

“Bridges can be rebuilt, Cass. You just have to put in the hard work and be patient.”

“Maggie made it clear that she doesn’t want me in the picture. She can barely stand to look at me. How can I rebuild my friendship with Tate when Maggie is dead set against it?”

Her feelings for Tate were leading her in a direction much stronger than friendship, but she wasn’t ready to share that with Regina. She was heading into scary territory with Tate, and she knew that with one false move she might fall headlong over the edge. Falling might feel nice, but landing with a thud would hurt.

“Cassidy, please don’t take this the wrong way, sounds like if you’re not careful, you’re going to fall right back in love again with Tate.” Regina’s voice was laced with sincerity. Her eyes showed compassion and a genuine love for her cousin that Cassidy hadn’t seen in years. Clearly she was looking out for her best interests.

She truly appreciated the fact that Regina cared enough about her to caution her. But she knew deep down in her soul that Regina’s warning had come far too late. She was already falling head over heels in love with her ex-fiancé.

Chapter Nine

Horseshoe Bend Ranch had been transformed into a vibrant upbeat venue. Twinkling lights had been placed at the entrance to the ranch, providing a festive vibe. Red lanterns lit the road toward the main house. Tables had been set up all around the perimeter of the house, with a stage and a dance floor in the center. Teenaged volunteers, decked out in jeans and white shirts, were making the rounds with mouthwatering appetizers and sparkling cider.

Tate’s parents were both dressed in their finest Western gear. Getting his father to attend the event had taken a lot of persuasion, but with Holly’s help, he’d gotten the job done. His mother on the other hand had become excited once she saw her daughter’s enthusiasm. She’d taken great pains to select the perfect outfit even though the event had been billed as come as you are. She’d taken Holly on an overnight shopping trip to Amarillo. They’d come back to the ranch the next day loaded down with shopping bags from cowboy boot shops and designer outlets. Tate couldn’t remember the last time they’d shared such a bonding experience.

Tate studied his parents from a discreet distance. They looked scared. His father was yanking at his collar while his mother kept casting nervous glances around her. He suspected it stemmed from their uncertainty about how the congregation would receive them after the uproar over Pastor Blake. It didn’t help matters that they had stopped attending services at Main Street Church. He scratched his head. For the life of him he couldn’t remember the last time his parents had gone to church. It wasn’t his place to judge, but everything inside him was telling him that they would thrive by being part of the congregation.

Dear Lord. Please help my parents find their way back to you. Let them rejoice in being part of a warm and loving congregation. Let them find fellowship and welcoming arms.

He wanted nothing more for them than to find everlasting peace and healing.

Tonight was a big step for them, he acknowledged. Putting their pride aside and agreeing to host the gathering had been a monumental leap in the right direction. At first his mother had been adamantly opposed to it and she’d accused him of being wrapped around Cassidy’s little finger. Her venom toward Cassidy took him by surprise. His mother wasn’t a vengeful woman, yet she still hadn’t found it in her heart to let go of her hostility.

“The gathering isn’t about Cassidy, Mama,” he’d told her. “It’s about coming together as a united community to restore Main Street Church. It’s about stepping forward and pitching in as a town.”

“Do you expect me to just forget the past?” she’d shouted, tears streaming down her face.

“No, Mama,” he’d said in a subdued voice. “I expect you to do what you’ve always taught Holly and I to do.” He inhaled deeply through his nose. “The right thing. Sometimes that’s the hardest thing in the world to do, but it doesn’t mean we still shouldn’t do it, does it?”

In the end, after much hand-wringing and tears, she’d agreed to host the community gathering. His father had eventually relented after an emotional appeal from Holly, but he’d made it clear that he didn’t want his wife unsettled by Cassidy’s presence at the ranch.

Cassidy. He felt her presence before he laid eyes on her. A prickle ran down the back of his neck, and he turned around, just in time to see her striding toward him. She was decked out in a beautiful aqua shirt. An intricate pair of turquoise Native American earrings hung from her ears. She was wearing a pair of silver cowboy boots that peeked out from the hem of her jeans. Silver and blue bracelets were stacked on her wrists. All he could manage was a simple hello. The sight of her took his breath away. His mind took flight, and suddenly he was thinking of things he’d let go of years ago. He fisted his hands at his sides, resisting the impulse to reach out and wind one of her strawberry blond curls around his finger.

“Wow. Everything looks amazing!” Cassidy said, her face lit up with joy as she glanced around the area. “It is so beautiful!” Tate’s eyes swept over her. The same thing could be said about Cassidy, he thought. She projected an image of classic beauty in her trendy attire. Her subtle makeup enhanced her features, adding drama to her already striking cheekbones and eyes.