She swung her gaze up to meet his. “It’s complicated.”

Parker clenched his jaw. “Is there someone else?”

Cadence’s peaches and cream complexion paled. She looked shell shocked.

Parker felt a stabbing sensation in his gut. “There is. It’s written all over your face.” Anger rose up inside him. He felt as if it was choking him.

“Parker, I-I’m sorry. I don’t want you to be hurt.”

“It’s a little late for that. You said you loved me. Was that a lie?” Parker asked. His voice sounded raspy to his own ears. He was surprised he could even get the words out. Never in a million years had he thought this evening would be so disastrous.

“I-I wasn’t lying. I thought—” Her voice trailed off. She shook her head, her blonde hair tumbling about her shoulders. Her beautiful features were creased with strain. Tears gathered in her eyes. He watched as tears slid down her cheek. At the moment he didn’t feel anything other than numbness. And a slow, burning rage.

“You thought?” he asked in a biting tone. “You thought you’d jerk me around until something better came along. Isn’t that right?”

“N-No. Please. Don’t say that,” Cadence said in a low voice, her lips trembling. “I-it wasn’t like that.”

“It’s true isn’t he?” he barked, anger consuming him like an inferno. “What about all the times you told me you loved me? Did that just fade away? In a heartbeat?”

“Parker, I know this is difficult. It’s not easy for me either.” Tears were streaming down her face and she didn’t even bother to wipe them away. Crocodile tears as far as Parker was concerned.

“I don’t believe that. Matter of fact, I no longer believe a single word that comes out of your mouth.” Hurt unlike any other he’d ever known burned his insides. All he wanted to do was lash out at Cadence. If he could, he would hurt her as much as she’d harmed him.

The shock on Cadence’s face was immediate. She stood up from her chair. He knew he’d wounded her with his words. A part of him felt ashamed, but another piece of him felt ecstatic. He felt like a bruised and battered wild animal, willing and able to strike out if only to make his pain slightly more bearable.

Cadence took two steps back from him. “I should go. This isn’t the way I wanted things to go, but if I stay we’ll only hurt each other more.”

“That’s the only decent thing you’ve said all evening. Go, Cadence. I’m sure there’s somewhere else you’d rather be this evening. And frankly, I can’t stomach the sight of you right now.”

Cadence nodded her head and slowly began to walk away. She bowed her head. Parker could almost see the wheels turning in her head. She raised her head up and their eyes locked. For one split second Parker could swear he saw love radiating in her eyes. His heart recognized it. Just as quickly, it disappeared. Cadence’s expression was shuttered.

“Goodbye, Parker,” she said in a low voice, nodding in his direction before she turned on her heel and walked away from him. He hadn’t moved a muscle. Walking her to his front door might have killed him. In this moment he would have done anything to make her stay, and he feared he might lose every ounce of pride he possessed in the process. When he heard the door open then shut behind her, Parker gave in to his torment.

Parker didn’t know for how long he sat in the dining room. All he knew was that the candles on the table had been extinguished and the rest of the house sat in darkness. He had no idea what time it was when he heard the front door opening and the jangling of keys.

The sound of Jason whistling drifted from the foyer toward the dining room.

The room was suddenly bathed in light as his brother entered the dining room. He let out a surprised sound when he saw Parker seated at the table.

“Oh man, you scared the life out of me,” Jason said.

Parker looked over at Jason, who had a perplexed look etched on his face. Jason frowned. “What are you doing sitting here in the dark?”

“Trying to wrap my head around what a fool I’ve been,” Parker muttered.

“What happened with Cadence? You don’t look so good.”

Parker let out a bitter laugh. “We ate dinner, and then before I could propose she dumped me like a hot potato. It’s over.”

“She what?” Jason exploded.

“Don’t make me say it again, Jason. I’m not sure I can get the words out.”

Parker stood up, holding on to the table for support. He felt weak, but he needed to shake it off. He couldn’t let this drag him down. It felt like he was sliding into a deep, dark black hole.

“Parker, I’m so sorry. I can’t even believe it.” Jason shook his head, looking as shocked as Parker felt.

“Oh, believe it. She’s not in love with me anymore and she’s involved with someone else,” Parker explained. “So I guess I dodged a bullet. Sh